Page 49 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 49

Sashi Publications

at the rate of 1% of wages each, and offers social security to formal
sector employees and covers 15 % of the population. The third
scheme, for the informal sector, is called the Universal Coverage
scheme which covers all citizens not covered under the CSMBS or
the SSS. The Thai health systems uses a unique combination of
provider payment mechanisms, including capitation, DRGs and Global

Q3. Write short notes on -

(i) Global health insurance spending - As per WHO , in 2010, the composition of

World Health Expenditure is as follows :

General Government Expenditure : 35 %

Social Insurance            : 25 %

Private Insurance           : 18 %

Out of Pocket Payments      : 18 %

Others                      : 4%

So, we see that health is a large industry globally and commands US 5.3 trillion
dollars of the world's resources, of which health insurance, social and private,
commands a 43 % share.

(ii) Financing of health in India - Financing of health system is closely and indivisibly
      linked to the provisioning of services and helps define the outer boundaries of the
      system's capability to achieve its stated goals.

Based on two separate studies commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India, the magnitude of health expenditure in India for the year
2008-09 was estimated to be about 4.13% of the GDP at current market prices.

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