Page 29 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
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40. Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Jus- 42. Certificate in Tourism Studies
tice System
The objectives of the programme are as follows: These programmes have been developed keeping in mind
people who in future intend to make their career in some
i) To develop a cadre of trained para social workers to branch of tourism, or are already working in tourism related
render humanitarian services in criminal justice system; areas at various levels.
ii) To provide knowledge base and skills training to learn- Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,500; Age:
ers along with practical experiences to render social No bar; Eligibility: B.P.P. from IGNOU or 10+2 or its equiva-
and legal services in correctional settings across the lent; Medium: English and Hindi
43. Certificate in Urdu Language
iii) To extend professional help to target population in cor-
rectional setting; and This programme is meant for Urdu and Hindi speakers who
want to learn how to read, write and correctly speak Urdu.
iv) To create space and demonstrate humanitarian initia- The focus is on all the four skills: Listening, Speaking Read-
tives that addresses specific issues of marginalized ing and Writing.
people in criminal justice system.
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,000; Age:
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,500; Age: No bar; Eligibility: Knowledge of Hindi/Urdu at primary
No bar level
Eligibility: 44. Certificate in Water Harvesting and Manage-
A person who has successfully completed graduation in any ment
discipline is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Objectives:
Programme in Social Work and Criminal Justice System.
Sensitizing and educating learners on augmentation and
41. Certificate Programme in Teaching of Pri- utilization of water resources;
mary School Mathematics
Imparting knowledge, skills and expertise to understand
This programme consists of two courses. Both the courses water harvesting techniques; and
are built around detailed examples of ways of communicat-
ing mathematical concepts/ processes/ skills to children Enabling learners to act as trainers and organizers at
upto the age of 10. Thus, the programme is aimed at pre- household and community levels for efficient water
primary and primary school teachers, as well as parents of management in terms of its usage and also for water
young children. conservation.
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,500; Age: Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,000; Mini-
No bar mum Age: 18 Years; Maximum Age: No bar
Eligibility: Eligibility:
a. 10th pass/Working nursery, primary or elementary a. 10th pass (or)
teachers OR b. Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) from IGNOU.s
b. Passed AMT under Associate Studentship Scheme
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