Page 24 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 24

2. Understand the nature of language as a dynamic en-             12. Certificate Programme in Value Education
     tity, subject to variation and change.                       Programme Objectives:

3. Enhance her/his proficiency in English, not only in terms       To orient the target group of teachers (mostly elemen-
     of the structure of English (sounds, words, grammar)              tary) for integrating values in their transactional pro-
     but also at the level of discourse.                               cess of teaching and learning.

4. Critically reflect over her/his classroom experience and        To generate awareness and interest for inculcating
     innovate in teaching strategies, so that s/he may be              positive values among teachers, professionals, students,
     able to effectively teach the four skills of speaking, lis-       parents and the community.
     tening, reading and writing more.
                                                                   To develop awareness and societal responsibility among
5. Upgrade herself/himself in the new theories that are                NGO's, Government servants and civil society organi-
     prevalent in terms of the learner, the learning process,          zations.
     classroom management, material selection and
     creating.                                                    Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,500; Age:
                                                                  No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent.
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,000; Age:
No bar                                                            13. Certificate in Food and Nutrition

Eligibility:                                                      Since food sustains life and accounts for a major portion of
                                                                  our living expenses, it will be useful for everyone to know
a. Graduates or three (3) years of BELED Or                       about:
                                                                   The nutrients contained in different items of food;
b. 2 years PTT, ETT or 10+2 with two years of teaching
     experience.                                                   The needs of the human body in terms of various nutri-
                                                                       ents at different stages of life;
10. Certificate Programme in Functional English
(Basic level)                                                      Consequences of taking more/wrong types of food; and

This Programme seeks to enhance the English proficiency            Ways of selecting food articles, and the techniques for
of the students to help them communicate with confidence               processing, cooking and preserving them.
and fluency on a range of issues that concern their daily
lives.                                                            Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,100; Mini-
                                                                  mum Age: 18 Years; Maximum Age: No bar; Eligibility:
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,500; Age:         No Formal Qualification.
No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 with preferably six (6) years of En-
glish at the school level.                                        14. Certificate in Guidance

11. Certificate in Environmental Studies                          The Certificate in Guidance programme is being offered
                                                                  since 1993 and caters to the needs of teachers, parents,
The programme is of use to general public, at every age           social worker and others interested in guiding children aged
and at all levels of formal and non-formal education. Pro-        between 5-11 years for their better learning and socio-
fessionals, ecologists, hydrologists, foresters, landscape ar-    emotional development. This is an awareness level
chitects, administrator and planners, engineers, industrial-      programme that focuses on their overall development. It
ists, agriculturists, among others, will benefit from this        is a collaborative programme of the University and has been
programme. The NGOs with their dissemination capabili-            developed in collaboration with NCERT (National Council for
ties shall find it very useful.                                   Educational Research and Training).

Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,000; Age:         Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,100; Mini-
No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from           mum Age: 18 Years; Maximum Age: No bar

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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