Page 23 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
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programme for the specific need of technicians/equiva- techniques to be made use of for appropriate and timely
lent level workforce engaged in electricity sector. preparation and mitigation of disasters. This course also
focuses on relevant measures for proper health and casu-
To enhance the quality and productivity of electrical alty management and techniques for reconstruction and
technicians through competency-based training. rehabilitation.
To train, assess and certify the skills and competencies Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,000; Age:
of electrical technicians. No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent to BPP from
To provide better industrial education linkage by match-
ing learner's educational needs while collaborating with 7. Certificate in Elementary Teacher Education
professional bodies. (for Tripura State)
The Programme aims to :
To help technicians to improve their ability and to make
them eligible for acquiring further knowledge/training/ a. Develop better understanding of elementary level chil-
educational qualification. dren,
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 3,000; Age: b. Development of better teaching skills in a teacher;
No bar
c. Develop better life skills in children through teacher;
d. Improve teaching learning activities leading to better
a. Technicians /Equivalent Tradesman working in power equipped children.
industry or electricity sector (sponsored candidates) OR
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 5,000; Age:
b. Electrical technicians/ working candidates at least 8th No bar; Eligibility: In Service elementary teachers holding
pass (Non-sponsored) Graduate degree and above in any stream.
5. Certificate in Consumer Protection 8. Certificate in Energy Technology and Man-
Objectives: agement
a. It aims at creating an overall awareness and training
on Consumer Affairs with special emphasis on Consumer a. To give an overview of various energy resources, their
Protection. availability and use pattern
b. After completing this programme, the learner can work b. To give an exposure about environmental effects of en-
as consumer activist in the industrial sector, with NGOs ergy use
and government departments on consumer affairs.
c. To give an overview of Renewable Energy Technologies
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,500; Age:
No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from d. To conduct an energy audit and implement energy con-
IGNOU; Medium of Instruction: English/ Hindi servation measures
6. Certificate in Disaster Management e. To see the importance of Energy, Economy and Envi-
ronment interaction
The Foundation Course in Disaster Management intends to
familiarise the learners with the meaning, factors, signifi- Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,500; Age:
cance, causes and effects of disasters. No bar; Eligibility: 10th Pass; Medium: English
This Course deals specifically with essentials of disaster pre- 9. Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second
paredness and focuses on techniques for effective commu- Language
nity participation, besides highlighting ways to collect rel- This programme will help the teacher to:
evant information pertaining to disasters and also its effec-
tive dissemination. 1. Gain insights about the language learner, not only as
cognitive entity, but as a social being, functioning in a
The Elective Course emphasises on various methods and multilingual environment.