Page 21 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 21

Electronic media operations are com-        ness today. Interactive                    positive element that is present.
puterized and many TV stations use          marketing has gained
digital cameras now a days to operate       ground over the years to                   Interactive marketing is a trading ac-
and it has helped to improve opera-         grow and it has become                     tivity not only for products but also for
tions effectively.                          a major force to reckon                    many services as well in a major way.
                                            with. Consumers order                      Today, Interactive marketing is a ma-
Interactive marketing has been help-        products online and                        jor activity in developed countries like
ing different consumer product manu-        these reach doorstep of                    the USA.
facturers to take their products to         consumers.
people more easily than other meth-                                                    Many thousands of online product manu-
ods. Online marketing as well as online     Customers pay using credit cards or        facturers and service providers have
shopping have made many things              bank accounts and products are             been using interactive marketing to sell
within the grasps. Interactive market-      shipped to address given and custom-       their wares and this has become pos-
ing has emerged in a big way as billions    ers collect products as online busi-       sible greatly because of development of
of rupees and dollars are on transac-       nesses have become big over the            internet as a medium of mass commu-
tion online.                                years. It is not only products that are    nication. Interactive marketing will
                                            sold online but also services as banking,  grow more in future as organizations
Interactive marketing has been grow-        travel and insurance. Online busi-         use internet for marketing in a greater
ing as online marketing is used widely      nesses are worth billions in the US and    measure today than ever before.
to sell products now a days more than       it is becoming big everywhere today in
ever before.                                an interactive world.                      References

Interactive marketing for                   Conclusion                                 1. Admap (Dec. 2000) Managing Con-
future                                                                                      sumers or relating to them"
                                            Interactive marketing has been grow-
Interactive marketing is bound to grow      ing and it is a big business today. Many   2. Adorno T (1991) The Culture Indus-
and it will reach new heights as it has     products get sold online and online             try London: Routledge
got future in all countries. This will in-  marketing has assumed big business
crease sale of all products and services    in India.                                  3. Allport G.W. & Postman L. J.(1945)
and will make markets accessible to                                                         The basic psychology of rumor
many products effectively. Many new         People can reserve tickets using their          Transactions of the New York Acad-
manufacturers have emerged paving           credit cards and bank accounts on               emy of sciences 8, 61-81.
way for new products and new mar-           IRCTC and they are assured of their
kets.                                       journey everywhere in India in comfort.    4. Barlow J.P (1996) Selling wine with-
                                            Online and interactive marketing are            out bottles: The economy of mind
Interactive marketing will have impor-      becoming bigger today as marketing              on the global Net In L.H. Leeson (ed.)
tant role to play in our society and it is  of products and services are done in-           Clicking in: Hot links to a digital
bound to grow more and more in the          creasingly here. Internet is a major            culture Seattle, WA Bay press.
days to come. With society growing          provider of employment to people and
rapidly, there will be a need for cater-    people in developed countries which        5. Bakardjieva M (2005) Internet so-
ing to younger sections especially.         extent upto 40%. Under this context,            ciety: The internet in everyday life
                                            interactive marketing has gained                London: Sage. 
Consumer products                           ground and it is shaping lives of people
Many consumer products manufactur-
ers use interactive marketing to sell       Today, marketing is a major activity
their merchandise effectively using         binding nations and infact between
internet and online e-commerce and          super powers marketing is a major
online shopping have become big busi-

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