Page 16 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 16

Marketing -
New inputs

I nteractive marketing has assumed        and reaching out to near and distant       tivity for work and leisure now a days
       new proportions in the day of in-  buyers of various products and services    as most of the people use internet
       formation age as marketing is      effectively. Marketing of consumer         effectively. In developed countries
       carried out using new media.       and industrial products is done inter-     internet has been occupying major
More than one third of population in      actively. Interactive marketing has        work space and people browse for vari-
developed countries are in internet re-   come a long way. Many online product       ous purposes. Internet has been me-
lated occupations and e- commerce as      distributors as ebay PayPal as well as     dium of communication as rumors are
emerged as major trading activity. In-    others use interactive marketing to        (Allport and Postman 1945).
teractive marketing involves using        communicate messages effectively and
internet for marketing purposes and to    to sell products. This is the age of vi-   In the digital culture (Barlow 1996)
sell products effectively.                ral marketing to put it in a simpler       Computers have brought benefits to
                                          way (Burton 2005).                         mankind and automation has resulted
This involves marketing using internet                                               in many advantages to people in many
                                          Internet Today                             ways. There are disadvantages to com-
      About the author                                                               puters too as weapons of mass destruc-
                                          Internet has grown widely and people       tion have been accumulated by super
                S. Ganesh                 are using internet for fun and for profit  powers which pose a threat in a big
                                          as 40% of workforce in developed           way. Computers serve for dual purposes
  Sr. Lecturer in Mass communication      countries use internet for work.           of saving and destroying effectively.
       Oduduwa University, Nigeria        Internet has emerged as a major ac-

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

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