Page 15 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 15

Today, significant job opportunities make retention a chal- 2. To create within the customer:-

lenge. External surveys indicate that compensation is no        a. Good feeling;

longer the primary driver of employer satisfaction. Global      b. Solution to problem (precisely the problem means
opportunities, training, and development and a clear and             the difference between what the customers want
defined growth path and work-life balance are some of the            & what they have).
key drivers of employee satisfaction.

We need to practice these features through direct em-           3. To fulfill the need of serving the right touch to estab-

ployee -engagement programs. Early exits and frequent           lish relationship as the provider of the service / goods,

movement from one organization to other may meet their          you need to:-

short term aspirations but are likely to have a negative im-    a. Act the way you feel & you will feel the way you

pact on the long term growth needs of the career.               act;

                                                                b. Never tell customers your problems;

Today's youth treat jobs like an intermediate ladder to get     c. Don't ask "How are you?" - Say, " Nice to meet
to some place well. However, when recruiting, if the                 you"
candidate's resume reflects constant switching, it is ignored
if the vacancy is for lower level, for the simple reason or     d. Remember the eternal fact - "The customers only
logic that at that level, the requirement is bulk.                   buy for their own reasons & justifications/ needs
                                                                     but not for others.

However, the higher you get up the ladder; stability is the     e. Ensure that customer get the values of money.

prime importance, simply because senior positions are far       f. Use problem solving approach - pay attention to
more difficult to fill in. As for employee retention, normally       the customer then the goods/services provided.
the reputed organizations give out various incentives to
make the employees feel pampered. Even for the senior           g. Have a good body language, good dressing, and
position holders also it is better to compromise and not to          good communication.

switch too often for a more stable future.                      4. The customers will buy much more when they appreci-

6.2.12. Building relationship for a sound mind:                 ate that you're:-
Proverb says, "A sound mind in a sound body should be the       a. Point to boost customer image - as you need to
motto of every individual." So fitness of your body is equally
important to maintain vivid & live relationship within your          open emotional account with your customer;

                                                                b. Recognizing & praising people;

team. With the worry our dieticians are showing these days,     c. Recognized by your appearance - using hair dye &

chances are many of your co-workers will have more-than-        looking young;

ideal waistlines and are constantly tempted picking up the      d. Use humor- when people laugh they listen more;
phone and ordering pizza. Get together and launch fitness       e. For creating long-lasting & self sustaining customer
group (i.e. going for the work out in Gymnasium or walking
after work) - it keeps everyone on track.                            relationship we need to:
                                                                     i. Be reliable - consistent performance is what

7. Conclusion:                                                       customer wants from any organization;

To sum up the discussion we may conclude that the basic         ii. Be credible - if the customer buys the prod-
objectives of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)                 uct, he/she wants to be safe and guaranteed;

are -                                                           iii. Be attractive - at least improvement in body
1. To revitalize your system - considering the important             language;

aspect like:-                                                   iv. Be responsive - accessible, available and will-

a. The most important goal is to create & keep the                    ing to help customer whenever the customer

customers;                                                            has a problem; and

b. Not to sell products / services - help customers to          v. Be empathic- to be in customer's shoes and
     buy (as People love to buy - hate to be sold).                  grasp his point of view. 

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