Page 14 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 14

ging of the system" and "creative differences" are the rea-          down well with those at the top. Koshy's former boss, Mrs.
sons he claims led to job jumps. The paltry duration of time         R. Bansal admits, "Many youngsters quit their jobs for the
spent abroad (and this might negatively impact his resume) is        silliest reasons. To learn and grow in a particular job takes
something he's least bothered about. "Many think that merely         a lot more time than they are willing to spend. I would
four to five months aren't enough to gauge the job in its total-     expect them to be a little more patient." Moreover, she
ity. I agree, but it's possible to have a rough idea. You can check  also warns these youngsters to get a reality check done.
your own growth in these few months. And after checking how          "Every job has its routine components".
your seniors stand, you can figure out how logical it is for you
to invest your time in that firm," argues Koshy.                     There will never be a job that gives you an adrenalin pump
                                                                     every single day! 'Finding your calling' might be a convenient
But just in case you think he is playing holier than thou, hear      excuse to never face up to your own shortcomings. There
this out. "I agree I had many disciplinary issues and I know         needs to be a commitment level right from the beginning.
this was a problem," he confesses. "But today, I know for            You can't expect your temperament to change and become
sure what I will be doing for the next six months, there will        ultra stable out of the blue when you are 30 or more.
be no motivation. Also, a little more space to exercise my
creative freedom will steady my ship."                               Having known many such persons like 'Koshy' in recent times
                                                                     Mrs. Bansal is a bit more apprehensive before getting them
So does this perennial jumping create self-doubts? Koshy             on board. "I must not appoint someone who has changed
vouches for this malaise. "There are phases when you ask             eight or nine jobs in a span of two-three years. I ask my ap-
yourself if you are the one who's spaced out, but then you           plicants to explore all other options before joining us. We look
get over it. For me, jobs have been like an escape route, a          for candidates who are little more grounded." she concludes.
ladder to reach somewhere else, perhaps even to get your
daily bread. Jobs are places where you just hang around till         Even the people who are busy in acting in various telefilms
something better or more concrete comes up your way," he             / TV serials (majority of them are from college drop outs /
comments.                                                            just graduates), are found to be frequent job changers and
                                                                     because of that very often we have seen that the face of
While on loyalty, Koshy says he's not the only serial job-           the character changes within the same serial. Now-a-days
switcher around. "Today, you have a new breed of 20-some-            - there are lots of tussles between the producer and these
things who prefer working for short-term, high-paying jobs,          young actors - whenever the production houses wanted to
and then they go backpacking, doing stuff that they always           ensure that the actor has not left the shooting during the
wanted to do. Most of them are those who work as cre-                preparation of the long serials. Mr. Pulkit Samrat, who is
ative consultants, free-lancers, etc. When they know their           best remembered for his role as 'Lakshya' in "Kyunki Saas
money is about to get exhausted, they start a new job                Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi" has gone for a legal battle with Balaji
search and so a new cycle begins" he further explained the           Telefilms as he dragged the famous production house to
reason behind his switching so frequently.                           Bombay High Court for non-payment of dues and prevent-
                                                                     ing him for seeking work outside Balaji.

But this frivolousness of our youngsters today doesn't go            Immediately Balaji, the production house had to file a com-
                                                                     plaint against the actor at the Metropolitan Magistrate
                                                                     Court for making demands for extortion, following which a
                                                                     FIR was lodged at the Aarey Police Station (Gurgaon) to get
                                                                     an escape from all these problems and the court ordered
                                                                     an investigation.

                                                                     However, Ms. Ekta Kapoor, the soap queen of Balaji, had
                                                                     rarely made exceptions for the actors who have left the pro-
                                                                     duction house on a bitter note. She said, "It's their loss if
                                                                     they don't understand the power of Balaji Telefilms. Some
                                                                     of them part amicably while some insist on making an ugly
                                                                     situation. Balaji's doors are closed for those who prefer to
                                                                     leave all on a sudden on a bad note."

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