Page 13 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 13
the final year Board Examination got tucked away at the makes them stray away. On the other hand many parts of
back of his mind. All work in his loving area as a copywriter our college syllabi have become redundant for the real
with Rediffusion (Mumbai) where he worked throughout his world and proves to be irrelevant for many.
second year with no studies finally took its toll. He was pulled
up for near zero attendance before the crucial third year But the main danger with such people is that the degrees
of his graduation; which was when he requested his college are becoming mere formalities because 'experience' mat-
authorities for one-year break. ters more while there is nothing like a solid academic foun-
dation to support the career. This new emerging workforces
Basically what he thought of was that it would be his expe- also like to change professions frequently/regularly, how
rience which will help him to grow in his field of choice, and are they going to sustain the change without real
after gaining confidence in his field of creative work - his education?
graduation nearly becomes a formality. This truth comes
out when we track the mind of this lad who has started Notably, this emerging workforce finds an astounding dis-
with many jobs even while at his college. parity in education within the sacred walls and the business
within the office cubicles. Most of the things they are learn-
What he realized was that he basically likes to remain as a ing in the college aren't wrong, but these are irrelevant for
part of creative team and his main passion is on creating what they are interested in - creative thinking/writing and
whacky ads, while in his course in St. Xavier's college he was altogether the ad world require innovative approach in the
being taught the basics of management & accounting. Thus entire perspective - which is not possibly included in their
Mr. Mukherjee's resume doesn't mention anything about graduation course.
his graduation, only features his works with clients like
Airtel, Tata Steel, Taj - because of his association with Again another aspect in the mindset of these new emerg-
McCann Erickson, the leading advertising firm. ing workforces is that - the young age is the right time to
take risks - the chances cannot be taken at the age of 40
He was fully dedicated to his work and when he was men- or so.
tally ready - his employer also says that they are happy with
his idea and besides in a creative field like ad world it is only Mr. Thomas Koshy, being checked out in his erratic resume
the idea that matters to them - ad industry do not bother as a call centre employee, marketing dude, copy-writer and
the fabric / academic background. Now this experience is assistant director for TV show, a script writer doctor for
not on the syllabi of any graduation or post-graduation screen plays and even freelancing for news papers; currently
course and it indicates that our present generations are working as the creative head for a web-site. If you ask him
hungry for success & job security and our education system how many jobs he has been through, you won't get a sharp
needs a serious reality check. reply - since the list is absolutely elaborate.
It is definitely heartening to see a lot of collegians coming Having started off at a call centre out of 'uttered boredom
up on their own, but it is also unfortunate that many stu- during college', Thomas has had almost nine work stars in
dents like Mr. Mukherjee sacrifice their college life. Gradu- the past two years : from becoming a copywriter in Dubai,
ation isn't only about classes and examinations; it's the all- currently being associated in all sort of creative works be it
round experience of being on campus and learning about in TV realty show or web-designer, he has a heavily loaded
discipline and social impact on life. resume. Needless to say, he hasn't lasted for more than four
months at any of these assignments.
This emerging workforce obviously doesn't care much about
that and prematurely takes up assignments. While they do So, there is a definite hazard in this passion. "True passion can
it mainly for the monitory consideration, some may also feel only be pursued at an environment where your skills and
that the striking disparity in education and the real world thoughts get well acclaimed". Koshy puts it this way, 'Clog-
"There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."