Page 9 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
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cal software has for analysis, the better its predictions and
recommendations will be.
5.1.3. Sales Intelligence CRM
Sales Intelligence CRM is similar to Analytical CRM, but is
intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include alerts
sent to sales staff regarding:
Cross-selling/Up-selling/Switch-selling opportunities
Customer drift
Sales performance
Customer trends
Customer margins
Customer alignment
to individually obtain this information directly from the cus- 5.1.4. Campaign Management
tomer. Reaching to the customer at right time at right place Campaign Management combines elements of Operational
is preferable. and Analytical CRM. Campaign management functions in-
Operational CRM processes customer data for a vari- Target groups formed from the client base according
ety of purposes:
Managing campaigns to selected criteria
Enterprise Marketing Automation Sending campaign-related material (e.g. on special of-
fers) to selected recipients using various channels (e.g.
Sales Force Automation e-mail, telephone, SMS, post)
Sales Management System, etc. Tracking, storing, and analyzing campaign statistics, in-
cluding tracking responses and analyzing trends
5.1.2. Analytical CRM
Analytical CRM analyzes customer data for a variety of pur- 5.1.5. Collaborative CRM
poses: Collaborative CRM covers aspects of a company's dealings
Designing and executing targeted marketing cam- with customers that are handled by various departments
within a company, such as sales, technical support and mar-
paigns keting. Staff members from different departments can
share information collected when interacting with custom-
Designing and executing campaigns, e.g. customer ac- ers. For example, feedback received from customer support
quisition, cross-selling, up-selling, add-on-selling agents can provide other staff members with information
on the services and features requested by customers.
Analyzing customer behavior in order to make decisions
relating to products and services (e.g. pricing, product Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use information col-
development) lected by all departments to improve the quality of services
provided by the company. CRM also plays a role of data
Management Information System (e.g. financial fore- distributor within customers, producers and partners. Pro-
casting and customer profitability analysis) ducers can use CRM information to develop products or find
new market. CRM facilitates communication between cus-
Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data-mining tomers, suppliers and partner by using new information
and other techniques to produce useful results for decision- system such as email, link and data bank.
making. It is at the analytical stage that the importance of
fully integrated CRM software becomes most apparent.
Logically speaking, the more information that the analyti-
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