Page 7 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 7

c) These considerations can be influenced by environment, them an experience that exceeds their expectations. Some

such as culture, family and media.                             of the key points are:

2.1.2. Marketing Considerations:                               3.1. Know your product:
a) Some of the considerations to take into account while
                                                               a. Know what products/service you are offering. In other
     marketing to your customers are honesty, integrity and         words, be informative.
                                                               b. It is okay to say "I don't know," but it should always be
b) Keeping consumer needs in mind is also an integral part          followed up by "but let me find out" or possibly "but
     of effective marketing.                                        my friend knows!"

c) Selling a good product marketed with integrity brings c. Whatever the situation may be, make sure that you

back customers. To do this, a company needs to build               don't leave your customer with an unanswered ques-

customer confidence in its product over time.                      tion.

d) Customer confidence is what brings consumers back to        3.2. Body Language/Communication:
     your product and ensures long-term success.
                                                               a. Most of the communication that we relay to others is
2.1.3. Word of Mouth:                                               done through body language.
a) Underestimating the power of customer's word of
                                                               b. Two of the most important aspects of positive body lan-
     mouth is detrimental to your success.                          guage are smiling and eye contact.

b) Consumers like to talk, whether they are talking about c. Make sure to look in the eyes of customers. It shows

a product they enjoyed or a product that left them                 that we are listening to them and hearing what they

wanting.                                                           are saying and of course smiling is more inviting than a

c) Word of mouth has a snowball effect, particularly with          blank look or frown.

social media by which it is common to have fast world- 3.3. Anticipate Customer/ Visitor / Guest Needs:
wide communication.
                                                               a. Nothing surprises your customer more than an em-

d) A company can't afford to lose its product, reputation          ployee going the extra mile to help them.

be badmouthed or blacklisted. This is why marketing a          b.  Always look for ways to go above and beyond the ex-
product honestly and with integrity is important.                  pectations of your customer.

e) Considering customer needs during the development c. In doing so, it helps them to know that you care and it
and promotion of a product is not the only way to em-
                                                                   will leave them with a "Feel Good Factor" that we are
phasize customer needs. Customer considerations af-
ter the product has been marketed is important as                  searching for.

well. 3.4. Resolution:
f) Customer service and interaction with the consumer When dealing with clients, sometimes there are situations
after the product has been sold not only build strong that need to be resolved.
relationships with the consumer but offer companies a. If the customer is upset about a product or service
valuable information that will help to design more ef-
                                                                   they've received from the company, the first thing an
fective marketing efforts in the future.
                                                                   employee should do is to listen.

3. Customer Service: Important Aspects:                        b.  By taking the time to hear through the entire com-
                                                                   plaint, the customer feels that you care.

One of the most important aspects of a customer service is     c.  Occasionally, the issue is actually not related to
that of "Feel Good Factor." Basically the goal is not only to      your company at all, but the initial problem is merely a
help the customer have a good experience, but to offer

          "The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well."

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