Page 18 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 18

internet as internet TV. In India, there  scope for internet and new                 and mail help to reach to customers
are more than 500 cable channels and      media every where and there                and we can see a man with big bag in
satellite channels which have been        is internet galaxy (casetells              a motor cycle delivering such things.
purveying entertainment to a great        2002).
extent. In Tamil Nadu cable channels                                                 E - commerce marketing
as Sun TV, Jaya TV Star Vijay TV, Raj     Interactive political                      mix
TV and others have been providing en-     marketing
tertainment to a great extent.                                                       E-product, e-price, e-packaging and
                                          Interactive political marketing            e- promotion have to be good as these
There are four kinds of media tech-       has been on vogue as internet              e- marketing mix got to be right to
nologies and these include print me-      has been a medium of adver-                succeed. If one element fails, this en-
dia technology, electronic media tech-    tising and marketing. In a                 tire e-marketing mix will not work as
nology, film technology and new me-       short span of time, President              products will fail to attract consumers
dia technology. There are four kinds      Obama in America could win success-        as well as satisfaction can't be guaran-
of printing which are a. letterpress b.   fully for the second time showed his       teed.
off set c. gravure and d. screen print-   skills as well as political campaign com-
ing. Lumiere brothers developed mo-       munication strategist and as political     When we send e-products, we have to
tion picture camera to demonstrate        marketing specialist in USA.               ensure quality as well as marketing mix
movement. Radio developed as Morse                                                   are right in reaching customers more
code developed to communicate to          Similarly in India, Prime Minister Modi    easily because it is essential to evoke
ships in sea when in distress.            pacakaged himself as a candidate as        repeat purchases. Today's marketing
                                          BJP announced long before election.        scenario is tough as marketing wars
Ezines are electronic magazines and       He was credited for Gujarat's success      take place between to competing
content is produced from regular          and he cashed on it and nominated to       brands as comparative advertising &
magazines which is repeated for online    run for PM post as candidate. Political    comparative marketing have emerged
publications.                             marketing and careful ploy of political    about 30 years ago.
                                          judgment helped BJP to cash in on
Media technologies have been chang-       Prime Minister Modi.                       Consumerism
ing greatly and have made greater
impact on societies as mobiles came       E - commerce                               Consumerism has come as interactive
into being. Mobile and cellular tech-                                                marketing which is taking products to
nologies have brought comfort of com-     E-commerce has emerged as a major          doors of customers effectively in large
munication over local and long distance   activity in India and other developing     numbers today. You have to manage
areas specially.                          societies as e-bay, Paypal and other
                                          online marketing have become big
Communication satellites have made        business today. Interactive marketing
greater inroads today as India and        has emerged as an activity as now we
other countries have been launching       can buy plane, train tickets and shop-
satellites. INSAT satellite series have   ping goods on net.
been launched from time to time and
are used for weather forecasting, sat-    We can trade on all types of consumer
ellite TV broadcasting as well as for     products on net and e-commerce helps
various other purposes. SITE experi-      to deliver to buyers easily today. E-
ment launched in 1975-76 has proven       commerce help retailers and distribu-
to be a success in using communication    tors to take products to end users.
satellites for development. There is a    Delivery is made as courier services

"Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you."

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