Page 22 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 22


                                  UNDER INDIRA GANDHI

                                                                 NATIONAL OPEN

                                                                 UNIVERSITY (IGNOU)

T he Indira Gandhi National Open University                      2. Certificate in Business Skills
            (IGNOU), also known as 'The People's University'
            was established in the year 1985 by an Act of        Salient features of CBS
            Parliament. From the very beginning, the univer-     a. Courses designed and prepared by professional expert.
sity has always tried to impart education to student from
every nook and corner of India. It has tried to increase the     b. Student centered multimedia-learning materials.
Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by offering high-quality teach-     c. Strong students support services.
ing through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode.
                                                                 d. Opportunity to interact with leading experts through
The beginning of the University saw two academic                      teleconferencing.
programmes which were Diploma in Management and Di-
ploma in Distance Education, with 4,528 students. Today, it      e. A student can study at his own chosen place and are
serves the educational aspirations of over 3 million students         not required to attend regular classes.
in India and other countries through 21 Schools of Studies
and a network of 67 regional centres, around 2,667 learner       f. A students can study at his own pace and convenience
support centres and 29 overseas partner institutions.                 over a period of six months to two years.

IGNOU has a vast span of educational programmes which            g. A student is exposed to vocational/professional exper-
are impossible to cover in a go. This piece will only deal with       tise.
various certificate courses imparted by IGNOU.
                                                                 h. Students have the opportunity to develop skills in com-
Certificate courses:                                                  puters.

IGNOU has a vast extension of courses which includes cer-        i. Teaching is done through an innovative multi-medium.
tificate, degree and doctoral programmes. Among all
these, the Certificate courses are liked by the students         Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 2,500; Age:
most. The Certificate courses include:                           No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or its equivalent

1. Certificate in Bee Keeping                                    3. Certificate in Community Radio

Objectives:                                                      This is a certificate-level programme aimed at building the
a. Impart education about modern beekeeping.                     skills of those with a 10+2 or equivalent school leaving quali-
                                                                 fication and interested in community level broadcasting to
b. Build human resource in the beekeeping sector.                serve in various community radio stations being set up all
                                                                 over the country.
c. Diversification of apiculture to increase income of the
     farmers.                                                    Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 5,500; Age:
                                                                 No bar; Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent qualification
d. Develop entrepreneurial skills in beekeeping.
                                                                 4. Certificate of Competency in Power Distribu-
Duration: 6 Months - 2 Years; Course Fee: Rs. 1,100; Age:        tion (Technicians)
No bar; Eligibility: 8th pass
                                                                  To offer need based and tailor made academic

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