Page 20 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 20

ers and consumer facilitation has          everywhere in advanced as well as              more like hidden persuader in many
come about in great measure. Ad-           developing economies. With machines            sense of the term in many
vanced nations spend more on con-          available to produce products on mass          countries.(Packard 1957).
sumerism and consumer oriented life        level, traditional and interactive mar-
style and it is that communism has         keting have helped to take products to         Today's mass communication has be-
gone in Russia and other societies. All    consumers every where in large scale           come a necessity to people although
these help consumers and marketing of      greatly. Product's quality has been im-        interactive internet is available as no
products on internet.                      proving greatly and interactive mar-           medium can substitute other effec-
                                           keting has helped it to improve further        tively. Interactive advertising has
Consumerism has helped to build a          specially in all places. Due to develop-       emerged to be powerful as interactive
better society in many countries includ-   ment of machinery all around, prod-            marketing in true sense. Advertising is
ing India and the USA and there is         ucts like consumer goods are manufac-          a force to recognize and it plays lead-
plenty of products as well brands avail-   tured all around the world.                    ing roles in communication of products
able for consumer choice and prefer-                                                      goals and identities to everyone
ence. This has helped people to buy        The Research and Development (R                whether it is a regular advertising or
many goods and services and consumer       &D) efforts of corporations have paved         interactive one. It is like a magic sys-
has come as a king of market place         way for improved products as well as           tem in many ways (Williams 1960).
effectively. Consumerism has helped        quality manpower has taken products            Advertising is a necessity for everyone
manufacturers to indulge in producing      to new heights. This facilitates inter-        and it is essential to sell products ef-
all kind of goods but purchasing these     active marketing to take place in a            fectively through advertising.
is left to the choice of buyers or con-    speedier way to move products from
sumers.                                    manufacturers to end users.                    Social marketing

Interactive marketing in                   Interactive advertising                        Social marketing is marketing for social
product's quality                                                                         causes or for government schemes
                                           Advertising has gained importance and          etc. to promote government policies
Product's quality has improved greatly     interactive advertising has become             and programs effectively. Interactive
over the years due to advancement in       popular with people especially.                social marketing is using new media
science and technology and this has        Internet advertising is a major medium         for marketing for social causes effec-
resulted in more improved varieties.       of advertising now-a-day. Advertising          tively.
Especially affluent and well to do in all  is an important force today in our so-
countries get access to better prod-       ciety (Brierley 1995). Comparative ads         Social marketing has come to stay and
ucts, thanks to technology available.      are encouraged in the US and else-             it will promote government policies
Product's quality has improved and it      where it is popular now (Jennings              and programs effectively to get
is benefitting everyone alike today.       1979).                                         people's acceptance. People want
                                                                                          government to launch good programs
As a result, marketing picked up           Advertising is an important activity           for their benefit and improve their liv-
greatly and is booming in a big way        today and it is a must for any business        ing conditions and social marketing
                                           in today's competitive environment as          schemes will help government to reach
                                                                                          out to people.
                                                                  it is required to sell
                                                                  products. No busi-      Computerization of elec-
                                                                  ness can exist with-    tronic media
                                                                  out advertising and
                                                                  to sell products and    Electronic media have become com-
                                                                  services effectively    puterized and have helped to broad-
                                                                  to all the major        cast programs easily and produce these
                                                                  means of commu-         effectively using computerization.
                                                                  nication is advertis-   Many TV stations use computers to
                                                                  ing. Advertising is     operate camera.

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