Page 19 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 19
consumers or relate to them effec- TV production has been computerized ing banking easier, cheaper and
tively (Admap Dec 2000). Many online and TV studios are being modernized quicker for many people.
companies deliver goods to individual every where. Internet media technol-
users and clients effectively and this ogy is helping interactive marketing to Scope
has become a big success today in the reach consumers in the sale of products
changing corporate environment. and services effectively. Media tech- Interactive marketing has been grow-
nology serve as media for interactive ing and it is a big business in the USA
Recently, there aroused a problem in marketing effectively today and help as internet is very popular there. It is
Ford cars in the US as Ralph Nader a marketers reach end users or consum- growing more because development of
consumer activist has written a book ers effectively. consumerism and supremacy of con-
titled Unsafe at any speed. Ford Mo- sumer in buying process as Mahatma
tors offered big financial package to Nature and scope of inter- Gandhi father of India once said Con-
him but he refused to accept it and active marketing sumer is not dependent on us, we are
continued his campaign. Consumer ac- dependent on him.
tivists are found everywhere in democ- Interactive marketing is popular
racies like India and America to fight among young and old alike as media As computers have been growing and
big business, corruption and nepotism of marketing have been expanding automation have come about in most
and are successful to some extent. including popularizing among general nations especially in developed coun-
This sort of efforts will help democra- population. Internet has found tries, leisure has emerged and more
cies function better and do justice and audience among technically and non consumer orientation has come about.
give freedom not only to the endowed technically qualified but technical In this context, new technologies have
but also to other people. people use it more often. Social me- come about in providing comfort to
dia was unknown to people sometime people although poverty and under
Media technology today ago but now it has become known to development have not gone com-
people everywhere because of avail- pletely. Rich nations spend wealth on
Media technology is booming as tech- ability of technology and technical increasing consumerism and consumer
nology is evolving in advanced coun- manpower. supremacy although these have not
tries like the USA, UK and others and gone well with rest of the world.
have brought many comforts to people It is growing today and it has made in
effectively. Many new advances have roads into India and other countries as Nevertheless, there has been prolif-
come about in media technology as markets have been growing greatly eration of consumer goods manufactur-
cableTV, satellite TV as well as others over the years. Interactive market-
and these help in taking products to ing has been changing also as
people. Mobiles are also used in inter- it has technology dimen-
active marketing and help in sale of sion and more innovative
products effectively. methods of delivery.
America is considered as technology Online organizations have
leader in many areas including been doing and expanding
nanotechnology, atmospheric sciences business specially in ser-
oceanography and computer science. vices sector in India as
In media technology too, it is highly ad- many travel agencies use
vanced and digital media are replacing online resources effec-
regular media or manual operated tively. Online banking has
ones. come about and it is mak-
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.