Page 17 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 17

Marketing                                   Advertising                                same time as wholesaler product ad-
                                                                                       vertisements used to do.
Marketing has emerged as a major            Advertising has become a necessity
activity and it binds countries of differ-  today in consumer societies and it is a    Marketing communication using
ent political systems. Goods produced       force to reckon with in many ways. It      internet has made products reach
have to reach end user and get cash         has helped products reach end users        youth and educated in large numbers.
for its value and marketing helps to do     and is helpful in many ways in reach-      Online marketing has made active and
that effectively. Marketing of goods        ing customers. Advertising is a need       passive buyers possible to access to
and services have helped democracies        for today's societies as we have to        new products and services on internet
in many ways and insolving consumer         reach consumers in giving product in-      as sales have increased greatly. New
need effectively.                           formation, product details and in cre-     consumer products to educated
                                            ating need in many ways.                   internet users are available in large
Price, product, packaging and promo-                                                   numbers today as travel services are
tion are considered as important ele-       It is a requirement that govern-           also are on sale in internet.
ments in marketing mix. Marketing           ment companies got to advertise effec-
takes product from manufacturer to          tively in order to reach end users in      Media technology
end user via retailer or distributor and    India. Once a Secretary of Health
a consumer has to pay a price to col-       Dept of MOHFW in a meeting with            TV is a powerful media technology and
lect product.                               consultants said that the consultants      Matusow (matusow 1983) had said
                                            should not advocate advertising. This      Media technology has gained impor-
Communication tells product's               situation has changed drastically as       tance and it is gaining momentum ev-
attributes effectively and helps in         organizations as NACO advertises           ery where as media technologies are
reaching end user completing a sale.        heavily.                                   becoming popular. There are three
Advertising as well as marketing com-                                                  kinds of societies Agricultural society,
munication comes in aiding product          Successive congress governments and        Industrial society and information so-
patronage and in completing a sale in       others have levied entertainment tax       ciety which have made great strides in
today's competitive marketing envi-         on advertising and it has served to limit  today's modern world. We are in infor-
ronment.                                    growth of advertising also.                mation age and media technology is
                                                                                       playing a greater role in it.
Marketing channels has to be good           Marketing communication
to take a product from manufacturer                                                    New communication technologies have
to customer or consumer and advertis-       Marketing communication have been          been making it possible to watch TV on
ing helps this process effectively. Ad-     gaining momentum greatly and today
vertising and sales promotion promote       products appear in
sales and marketing in a big way and        good shape and are
help in bridging gap between con-           useful in many
sumer and manufacturer. Sales pro-          ways to users. It is
motion is giving gifts and coupons as       useful to communi-
many consumers take coupons and get         cate effectively in
discount.                                   marketing commu-
                                            nication to get
New York Times runs to more than            messages across to
500 pages on weekends and special           multiple segments
discounts and sale offers are an-           as suppliers, deal-
nounced frequently.                         ers, distributors and
                                            customers at the

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

                                                                                       PR COMMUNICATION AGE May 2016 17
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