Page 31 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 31

THINK                                                                               Positive psychiatry, according to him,
 POSITIVE                                                                              is not merely the absence of illness, and
PSYCHIATRY                                                                             the role of the psychiatrist must in-
                                                                                       clude assessing the patient's strengths.
One of the biggest challenges               A different approach
            of dealing with mental illness                                             This approach has several conse-
            is the fear and stigma asso-    Mental health remains a poorly under-      quences. First, it affects the entire
            ciated with seeing a psychia-   stood concept in the field of medicine     healthcare system, as other healthcare
trist. But this need not be the case, says  in India. What's needed, then, is an       providers, such as nurses, social work-
Dilip V. Jeste, Associate Dean for          approach with the patient's well-being     ers and psychologists, are also in-
Healthy Ageing, and distinguished Pro-      at its centre and one which makes it       volved, playing a key role in providing
fessor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences      easier for patients to seek treatment.     care and delivering the right set of in-
at the University of California, San Di-                                               terventions that enhance these posi-
ego, US. As a global thought leader in      Mental health professionals (including     tive traits. "There are not enough cli-
the field of psychiatry, Jeste advocates    psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians   nicians, and the care has to come from
a clinical approach, called "positive       and researchers) specialize in             other caregivers," says Jeste.
psychiatry", which is much less intimi-     behaviour modification through a com-
dating for people.                          bination of medication, psychotherapy      Second, an emphasis on psychosocial
                                            and environmental changes.                 traits necessitates different kinds of
Jeste was in Mumbai in January to de-                                                  interventions compared to conven-
liver the keynote address at a confer-      "When we are dealing with someone          tional drug therapy. One such interven-
ence organized by the Dr NS Vahia           who is depressed, bipolar or schizo-       tion could consist of writing letters of
Foundation, a non-profit organization       phrenic, we are trying to change that      gratitude to persons who have helped,
working in the field of neuropsychiatry.    behaviour. Positive behavioural change     or listing three things that one is grate-
                                            is the hardest thing to achieve when a     ful for at the end of the day (or the
Vihang Vahia, the organizer of the con-     person is thinking and feeling suicidal,"  week), in order to improve levels of
ference and a consultant psychiatrist at    adds Jeste.                                optimism and well-being.
the Breach Candy and Lilavati Hospi-
tals in Mumbai, says, "Traditionally,       Most of the time, psychiatrists simply     Lisa Eyler, an assistant professor in the
clinicians are trained to explore 'what     ask for the main symptoms and pre-         department of psychiatry at the Uni-
is wrong with you'. We then work on         scribe medication; they do not assess      versity of California, San Diego, who
genetic-biochemical and psychosocial        the patient's strengths. But "numerous     was also at the conference, recently
probabilities that might have contrib-      studies have shown that these              conducted a study where healthy older
uted to the emergence of symptoms."         strengths, also known as positive psy-     people were given drama lessons and
                                            chosocial traits-such as resilience, op-   taught how to act to enhance their
He adds, "Jeste's contention is that        timism, wisdom and social engage-          levels of compassion and empathy.
every ill person has several strengths      ment-are associated with better
that contribute to healthy life, before     health, recovery and greater longev-       "Empathy and compassion, along with
the onset of symptoms. These factors        ity. So we need interventions to in-       resilience and optimism, are positive
need to be stressed in helping the per-     crease these factors to improve health     psychological traits, which I think help
son get over an illness and get back to     and well-being," says Jeste.               people to have greater well-being, es-
the pre-illness state of mind."                                                        pecially as they grow older. We have
                                                                                       been interested in the types of inter-
                                                                                       ventions related to empathy and com-
                                                                                       passion," says Eyler. While the results
                                                                                       of the study are still awaited, the na-
                                                                                       ture of the study itself illustrates a new
                                                                                       approach to psychiatry. (Source: Mint)

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