Page 35 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 35
or in combination with diesel and Boot camp for women en- the names of women members of the
petrol. trepreneurship households.
"The primary aim is to control air and Girls in Tech India will organise what is An official statement said that the
noise pollution emanating from the billed as the first ever entrepreneur identification of such households will be
gensets. These standards will be revis- basics boot camp with the curriculum done in consultation with State govern-
ited in 4-5 years once air and noise taught at Stanford University to pro- ments and Union Territories.
emission quality data and technologi- mote entrepreneurship among
cal details pertaining to the gensets women. Patna is alcohol free,
are available," the environment min- thanks to women
istry said. A global non-profit organisation head-
quartered in the Silicon Valley area in Patna district has got its first, official
Under the new standards, manufactur- California and working for the engage- "alcohol-free" village, thanks to its
ers across the country are required to ment, education and empowerment of women, with only a handful of people
obtain certification for engine products women in technology and entrepre- in Adimpur Piplawan seeking some
by empanelled agencies which will help neurship, Girls in Tech said the event more time before they quit the addic-
in regulating the unorganised sector. It would be held at the Indian School of tion.
will also help in curbing illegal import Business.
of gensets, which have been observed Four more villages in the district may
to have higher air and noise pollution Sree Divya Vadlapudi P, National Man- soon follow suit. Police stations across
levels. aging Director of the organisation, said the state are making similar claims
a press release that the workshop that coincide with a large number of
10 years long study on fly would combine the curriculum of raids, registration of cases and arrests.
ash sought Stanford B-School and be conducted by
a panel of experts. Patna district magistrate (DM) Sanjay
An expert panel of the Union environ- Kumar Agarwal made an announce-
ment ministry has called for at least a Girls in Tech CEO Adriana Gascoigne, ment, and credited the success to
10-year-long research to study whether from San Francisco, will take part in the Adimpur Piplawan's women.
fly ash disposal in mine voids leads to boot camp.
contamination of groundwater with "Women helped the police locate and
heavy metals. The suggestion was made PMUY scheme for provid- destroy four manufacturing units of
by the expert appraisal committee for ing free LPG to BPL country liquor. Woman from neighbor-
thermal power and coal mining projects women ing villages also came and witnessed
at its meeting. The committee said the it," the DM said. The administration
extensive research can be supported by The Committee has approved Pradhan has identified four villages from as
funds provided by corporates that gen- Mantri Ujjwala Yojana - scheme for many panchayats, which may soon get
erate power and produce coal. providing free LPG connections to alcohol-free tags.
women from BPL households. Through
The expert panel requested the envi- this scheme, the Ministry of Petroleum Centre mulls over innova-
ronment ministry to take necessary and Natural Gas will provide LPG con- tive ways to finance for
action to launch the programme under nections at a concessional rate to five waterways' growth
environment research division. The crore below poverty line families, over
National Green Tribunal too, while the next three years. The Centre is looking to harness the
hearing a case in 2015, had asked the country's 50,000-km of sea and river
Central Pollution Control Board to form Under the scheme, Rs. 8,000 crore has fronts as waterways and mulls innova-
a committee to check if fly ash disposal been earmarked for providing five tive ways of financing to raise Rs.
in mine voids is leading to environmen- crore LPG connections to BPL house- 70,000 crore to develop these
tal degradation or damage. holds. The connections will be given in stretches in the first phase, Union