Page 39 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 39
Travel &
Railways to introduce new reveal the OTP to claim refund," said any proposal to mandate provision of
blankets on trains a senior Railway Ministry official. air bags in every passenger car," Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises Min-
The Railways has decided to introduce After the change in refund rules, a ister Anant Geete said in a written
new blankets on trains that will be number of passengers are now finding reply to Lok Sabha.
washed after every use. Earlier, blan- it difficult to reach counters to cancel
kets on trains were washed once in two the reserved tickets within the stipu- However, the minister added that the
months. lated time and as a result are losing Ministry of Road Transport and High-
money. ways (MoRTH), which administers Cen-
Rs. 100 more per air ticket tral Motor Vehicles Act, 1988/Central
soon Centre to throttle the Motor Vehicles Rule 1989, has man-
speed limits in express- dated certain safety provisions.
Flights may soon cost flyers Rs 100 ways soon
more per ticket as the government is These provisions include protection of
planning to levy a Rs 8,000 cess on The Centre is planning to enhance the occupants in the event of an offset
each domestic flight to fund regional speed limit from the current 100kmph frontal collision and requirements for
connectivity. The move comes after to 140kmph. However, the speed limit behaviour of steering mechanism in a
influential ministers rejected the avia- on other roads would be different and head-on collision, applicable for all new
tion ministry's plan for a 2% surcharge safety would be the parameter for set- models from October 1, 2017 and all
on tickets. ting the norms, highways Minister Nitin models from October 1, 2019.
Gadkari said.
Railways introduces can- Visas create barrier for
cellation of tickets by Air bags not mandatory in good treatment
phone call to claim refund cars, strict rules to be ad-
hered Indian doctors have performed hun-
The Railways is set to launch a facility dreds of life-saving surgeries on little
for passengers who find it hard to The government has no proposal to children from neighbouring nations
reach its counters within the stipu- make air bags mandatory in all cars at over the last decade. Thousands of
lated time to cancel their confirmed present but rules have been amended others have benefited from medical
tickets and claim refund. to enhance safety of occupants in fron- interventions at Indian hospitals for
tal collisions for all new models from ailments at a fraction of the cost they
"One has to dial 139 giving details of October 2017. would have incurred in a hospital in
the confirmed ticket for cancelling it more advanced nations. Indian doctors
and the sender will get a one-time The Ministry of Road Transport and and nurses have over the years proved
password (OTP). The passenger has to Highways (MoRTH) has informed that they are among the best caregivers in
reach the counter the same day and "at present government does not have the world.