Page 37 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 37
Cow urine sold alongside electric locomotives to Myanmar to lived as a family in New Zealand from
food in London: BBC augment the locomotive fleet of the 1953, first in Whanganui before mov-
country's railways, which will help meet ing to Auckland in 1981.
Cow urine is being sold alongside food increasing demand for passenger and
in convenience stores in the UK despite freight traffic, an official statement India is second largest
environment experts warning against said. "RITES is making all efforts to aug- source country for mi-
the practice. Plastic bottles filled with ment export of rolling stock manufac- grants in Canada
cow urine, and marked "for religious tured at railway production units. Re-
purposes", were found in several Lon- sponse from South-East Asian markets India has emerged as the second larg-
don stores which also sold food, the is very encouraging," said Rajeev est source country for permanent resi-
BBC has claimed. Mehrotra, Chairman and MD of RITES. dents (PRs) in Canada, accounting for
more than 38,000 or 15% of the total,
404 carat diamond valued Indian-origin couple in according to the latest government
at $14 m found in Angola New Zealand aged 99 is data.
longest married pair
A 404-carat diamond measuring more The Annual Report on Immigration
than seven centimeters in length and An Indian-origin couple in New tabled in Parliament showed a spike in
valued at more than $14.3 million has Zealand, both aged 99, has been rec- the number of PRs from India. The lat-
been unearthed in Angola, an Austra- ognized as the country's longest-mar- est data for the year 2014 showed an
lian mining company has announced. ried couple by a group after they com- increase of more than 5,000 PRs from
The Lucapa diamond company said in pleted 80 years of marital bliss. India as compared to the figure for the
a statement that the diamond was the Auckland couple - Jeram Ravji and previous year.
largest ever found in Angola and was Ganga Ravji - who will turn 100 in May
believed to be the 27th largest in the and June, respectively, will be cel- India is second only to the Philippines
world. ebrating their 81st wedding anniver- as a source country for PRs. It has re-
sary in two months. mained among the top three source
"The 404.2 carat diamond was recov- countries, along with the Philippines
ered from mining block 8 at Lulo, which Jeram and Ganga were born in India and China, for several years.
has already produced more than 60 on May 4, 1916 and June 6, 1916, re-
large special diamonds since mining spectively. The couple, whose family The report further stated that Canada
commenced in this area in August includes six children, 15 grand children will allow in almost 20,000 more immi-
2015," it said. and 25 great-grand children all living grants this year than the number that
in Auckland, were engaged at the age was planned for 2015. This is the first
Diesel Electric Locomotives of six in India and married at the age immigration plan from the new Liberal
for Myanmar from India of 19. They were felicitated by Family government led by Prime Minister Jus-
First NZ, a Christian lobby group. They tin Trudeau.
India will supply 18-metre gauge diesel