Page 38 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 38



First Organic Farming Uni-                  91-year old woman gets                    "Even with the increasing primary en-
versity to set up in Gujarat                                                          rolment rates, India has the largest
                                            PhD                                       number of out-of-school children in the
To help farmers in switching to uncon-                                                world which is more than the out-of-
ventional methods of farming, the           A woman aged 91 has become one of         school children in the whole of sub-Sa-
Gujarat State Government will set up        the oldest women in France to gain a      haran Africa," Ansari said at a confer-
country's first university exclusively fo-  PhD after she completed a thesis that     ence on six years of the RTE Act.
cusing on organic farming, Chief Min-       she had begun three decades earlier.
ister Anandiben Patel said.                 Colette Bourlier was awarded the          Punjabi language to be
                                            mark of "high distinction" for her work,
Announcing this at a farmers rally held     which she successfully defended before    available online for learning
on the outskirts of city yesterday, Patel   a jury of the University of Franche
said, "Farmers should now switch to         Comte in Besancon, eastern France.        The Punjab government has decided to
organic farming and its ways from con-                                                enable the teaching of the Punjabi lan-
ventional method of farming. Gujarat        "It took a bit of time to write because   guage online as part of its efforts to
government has decided to set up            I took breaks," Bourlier said, explain-   popularise it around the world. A
country's first university focusing or-     ing the exceptional time for her work.    roadmap is being chalked out in asso-
ganic farming."                             The thesis was entitled "Immigrant        ciation with the Punjab School Educa-
                                            workers in Besancon in the second half    tion Board while the government will
State agriculture minister Babubhai         of the 20th century."                     also rope in Punjabi University at
Bokhiria said state government is com-                                                Patiala for its mission.
mitted to promote organic farming           Ansari pointed out flaws in
and in order to achieve it, a fund of Rs    school education and RTE                  PRSI Guwahati Chapter
10 crore has been earmarked towards         Act                                       organises seminar
the university in the annual 2016-17
budget, presented recently. The loca-       Vice president M. Hamid Ansari has        The Guwahati Chapter of Public Rela-
tion of the university is yet to be de-     pointed to several discrepancies in       tions Society of India (PRSI) organized
cided.                                      school education, especially loopholes    a seminar on 'Role of PR in Skilling In-
                                            in the implementation of the Right to     dia' in the premises of Assam Don
"The university will exclusively focus on   Education (RTE) Act, and called for       Bosco University, Azara. The inaugural
organic farming and research. Gujarat       more spending to improve the quality      session was graced by Mr. MGVK
is most suited for organic farming as a     of education. Terming the RTE Act a       Bhanu Additional Chief Secretary to
significant portion of agricultural land    "groundbreaking piece of legislation",    the Govt. of Assam; Mr. P
in the state is rainfed," Bokhiria told.    Ansari said a critical appraisal of the   Padmanabhan MD NRL; Dr. Ajit
                                            legislation reveals that "large gaps      Pathak National President PRSI and
                                            exist" in its implementations.            Father Joseph Nellenatt Pro Vice Chair-
                                                                                      man, Assam, Don Bosco University.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

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