Page 42 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 42


Birth season can help in                    large advantage over a person's life-    popping up since construction began
determining allergies in                    time," said Lisa D Cook, associate pro-  for the building in 1876.
future life                                 fessor at Michigan State University.
                                                                                     A report released by the Cincinnati
The season in which a child is born can     Florida Man Turns Self in                Center City Development Corp., the
determine whether or not he or she is       for Stealing TV in 1989                  project manager for the renovation,
likely to suffer from an allergy in later                                            speculated that the bones may have
life.                                       A 60-year-old Florida man returned to    been moved from an original burial
                                            Connecticut to turn himself for steal-   ground and reburied in a single grave.
Researchers at the University of            ing a color TV - 27 years ago.
Southampton have discovered specific                                                 Sunbathing may give you
markers on DNA that link the season         After his admission, Randy Lannacone,    more life expectancy
of birth to risk of allergy in later life.  of Port St. Lucie, was booked on third-
                                            degree larceny charges, according to     Women who sunbathe might live
The study conducted epigenetic scan-        the Norwalk, Conn., police. According    longer despite risk of melanoma, re-
ning on DNA samples from a group of         to police the theft took place at the    searchers have found. A study con-
people born on the Isle of Wight. They      Norwalk Jewish Center, which has since   ducted by Karolinska University Hospi-
found that particular epigenetic marks      closed, on April 26, 1989.               tal and Lund University in Sweden
were associated with the season of                                                   found that women who avoid the sun
birth and still present 18 years later.     The Norwalk police issued a warrant      live 0.6 to 2.1 years less than women
                                            for Lannacone but were unable to lo-     who sunbathe frequently.
Having traditional name                     cate him, and the warrant was not
can add up to you life                      served until Lannacone's arrival at the  Analysis of 29,518 women, who were
                                            police station.                          followed for 20 years, revealed that
A new study suggests that having a                                                   sun exposure can decrease the risk of
traditional name can lead to longer         Skeletal Human Remains                   heart disease and other non-cancer
life. It found that black men with his-     Found at 100-Year-Old                    related diseases - though the reason is
torically distinctive names, such as        Music Venue                              yet to be determined.
Elijah and Moses, lived a year longer.
The study, one of the first to find ben-    Workers renovating a century-old per-    Dr Pelle Lindqvist, even suggested that
efits of having a racially distinctive      formance hall discovered human re-       avoiding the sun could have the same
name, examined three million death          mains under the orchestra pit and now    effect on life expectancy as smoking.
certificates from 1802 to 1970.             archeologists are planning to analyze    "We found smokers in the highest sun
                                            the bones.                               exposure group were at a similar risk
"A number of studies indicate that                                                   as nonsmokers avoiding sun exposure
modern black names can act as a bur-        The property under Cincinnati Music      indicating avoidance of sun exposure
den, whereas our findings show that         Hall, Ohio, USA was a public burial      to be a risk factor of the same magni-
historical black names conveyed a           ground in 1818, and bones have been      tude as smoking" Pelle said.

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