Page 41 - PR Communication Age MAY 2016
P. 41


112 to be national emer-                  mobile phones in 16 cities, including       Sony unveils extra bass
gency No. in India                        the four metros.                            wireless headphones

India has decided to adopt '112' as the   Mobile TV can be received in and            Sony India unveiled MDR-XB650BT, a
national emergency number, similar to     around these cities using DVBT2             powerful addition to its wireless head-
'911' in the US and '999' in the UK,      dongles in OTG enabled smartphones          phones line-up. Packed with a distinct
with the Telecom Commission giving        and tablets, wi-fi dongles for moving       finish in a vast array of colours, the
the go-ahead to the measure.              vehicles, besides the TV sets having        new MDR-XB650BT combines uncom-
                                          built-in DVB-T2 tuner which are called      promising sound quality and portabil-
Ingenious methods by                      Integrated Digital TV (iDTV). While         ity with extra bass, aesthetic and ur-
telcos leading to loss: CAG               iDTV are available in Sony, LG,             ban in appeal. There has also been an
Report                                    Panasonic, Samsung etc, the dongles         increase in demand for Bluetooth wire-
                                          are available on online shopping sites      less headphones lately.
A CAG report tabled in Parliament         like Flipkart, Ebay, Snapdeal etc, the
blamed the department of telecom for      statement added.                            Tech Mahindra opens its
lack of monitoring that resulted in six                                               development centre in
private telcos - Airtel, Tata, Reliance,  Eveready launches con-                      France
Idea, Vodafone and Aircel - adopting      sumer durable goods
"ingenious methods" to understate                                                     The country's fifth-largest software
revenue by over Rs. 46,000 crore be-      Eveready Industries India formally          exporter Tech Mahindra has expanded
tween 2006-07 and 2009-10, resulting      launched its range of consumer durable      its footprint in France with the launch
in the government losing Rs. 12,490       goods. Amritanshu Khaitan, director of      of a development centre in Toulouse,
crore. Tata, Reliance and Airtel, the     the company, said, "Eveready has a          dedicated to projects for its existing
top defaulters, together caused a loss    retail outreach of one million, which is    partners and customers in the aero-
of Rs. 10,000 crore.                      serviced by a network of 4,000 active       space industry.
                                          FMCG dealers, 350 electrical distribu-
DD starts streaming free                  tors and 250 appliance distributors.        There are investments planned in
TV service to Smartphones                                                             terms of people, infrastructure, re-
in 16 cities                              Our thrust will be on e-commerce since      cruitment and training, as a part of
                                          30% of appliance business in India          Tech Mahindra's commitment to
Aiming to attract smartphone users,       comes through this sector," he added.       strengthening its presence in France,
Public Broadcaster Doordarshan has        The company is targeting a 4%-5%            a company statement said.
started beaming free TV services to       market share in this category.

                                          "Eighty percent of success is showing up."

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