Page 46 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 46


             and simultaneously identifying the anti-moneylending
             model on a real-time basis.
         Y   Machine learning and cognition serve to identify
             suspicious data patterns and convince banks if the
             original source of money is legal or illegal. AI can also
             study the behaviour of past customers to predict future
             needs, which can help banks to market and sell

         4. Wealth management and portfolio
         Y   AI-based systems help potential investors by analyzing
             their salary and spending policies. They can also assess
             market trends and choose the right funds for their
                                                                 banks through automation, but the intelligent
             portfolio by determining the appropriate amount to
                                                                 transformation of the entire system until they can defeat
             invest each month to realize their dreams. All this can
                                                                 the newly emerging fintech players. This has prompted
             be done without visiting branches or hiring experts. In
                                                                 many banks to use software robotics to simplify the back-
             the world of banking telephone at your fingertips,
                                                                 end process and achieve a better functional design. SBI
             mutual funds and fixed deposits can be created at home
                                                                 plans to set up an Innovation Center link to explore RPA,
             and money can be returned when needed.
                                                                 which will help in making internal banking processes
         Y   AI can be leveraged to instantly inform customers of  more efficient.
             any suspicious transactions beyond their usual patterns.
         Y   Focus on better operations, effective cost management 5. Intelligent Character Recognition System
             vs. profitability:                               Y This system has been identified by some foreign banks,
         Y   Banks must make a profit in order to survive, and today,  used to collect important information from old loan
             banks face considerable pressure on their margins.  applications, to lease contracts and to feed a central
             Regulators and their continued focus on transparency  database that is accessible to everyone. This helps with
             make many businesses profitable.                    expensive and error-prone banking services, such as
                                                                 managing claims, drastically reducing the time spent
         Y   AI technologies enable banks to bring more efficiency
                                                                 reading or recording client information.
             to their operations and manage costs. Robotic Process
             Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Process Automation  Y For example, JPMorgan Chase's COIN documents and
             (IPA) are very helpful here. Applying financial contracts  extracts data from 12,000 documents (which require
             is only a matter of seconds, thanks to AI. They also help  more than 360,000 hours of work without automation)
             to manage contracts and act as brokers, taking on   in just seconds.
             common tasks simultaneously, thereby improving
             productivity and efficiency. All this will lead to increased  6. Lending:
             revenues, reduced costs and an increase in profits.  Y The idea of  credit to a minus percentage of the Indian
             Robotic automation of processes can rebuild the     population. To date, applying for a loan is considered
             financial sector and make it more humane and smarter.  an awkward process. Analyzing the creditworthiness of
             Approximately 80% of the repetitive work processes help  a person due to a lack of credit history is annoying for
             the authorities to devote their time to value-added  banks.
             activities that require high levels of human intervention  Y The use of Big Data and Machine Learning to analyze
             such as automation and product marketing.           customer's cost patterns and behavioral data over

         Y   What we need now is not just the empowerment of the  10,000+ data points helps the bank to have insight into

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