Page 44 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 44


         FUTURE OF



         THE BANKING


          A        rtificial Intelligence  is the Intelligence  Of late, the banking sector is becoming an active adapter

                   demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural
                                                              of artificial intelligence - exploring and implementing this
                                                              technology in new ways. The entry of artificial intelligence
                   Intelligence displayed by human and animals,
                   which involves consciousness and emotionality.
         Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom, in his book Super  into the banking sector was not recognized and slowed
                                                              down until the era of Internet banking.
         Intelligence, says, "Machine learning is the last invention for  1. Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) :- It has a narrow
         mankind." From electronic trading platforms to medical  range of ability, it is basically goal oriented.
         diagnostics, robot control, entertainment, education, health
                                                              2. Strong AI is named as AGI :-  Artificial General
         and commerce, Artificial Intelligence services and digital  Intelligence (Hypothetical Ability of an intelligent agent
         disruption have hit every sector in the 21st century. AI has  at par with human capability
         made its presence felt across all sectors due to its ability to
                                                              3. Natural AI is named as ABI :- Artificial Biological
         help consumer innovation. This enables users to make faster
                                                                 Intelligence or Artificial super Intelligence (Property of
         and more informed decisions with increased efficiency.
                                                                 a machine to understand or self aware and surpass the
                                                                 cognitive ability, memory, learning and decision making,
                                                                 it is more capable than human.
                               About the author
                        Shashi Kant Sharma                    One of the first steps was introducing Ally Bank (USA) -Allie
                        Chief Manager (Faculty)               Assistant in 2015, which can respond to voice and text,
                        Union Bank of India Staff Training Centre  make payments on behalf of the customer, summarize the
                        Gurugram, Haryana
                                                              account, monitor savings, spend systems and use natural

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