Page 48 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 48


                                                              on now is data acquisition. Lack of proper customer records
                                                              is the biggest obstacle to AI.

                                                              We need to make sure that the data used by banks are KYC
                                                              compliant clean data as it is used in AI models. Huge data
                                                              infrastructure is needed to impact AI. Verification of the
                                                              correctness and accuracy of data is also required before
                                                              using such technology in the public domain.

                                                              Analysis and authentication of data:
                                                              The amount of data with the banks is very large, while
                                                              Oracle and Accenture store all the data in the bank. What
                                                              we need is a proper analysis of the data, and it requires a
                                                              high level of leadership expertise to bring cross-functional
             Explaining it to regulators can be a challenge for  teams together - one with knowledge of financial business,
             bankers. The Justice Srikrishna Committee said that the  and the other with different disciplines for the effective use
             biggest challenge in using big data and artificial  of such data sets with the required machine learning skills
             intelligence is to work outside the framework of  to create a framework and infrastructure. AI remains a
             traditional privacy principles. It now operates in the  niche-based domain with a shortage of talent and expertise.
             reverse way and risks banks unknowingly. This leads to
             hidden bias in decision making as AI has access to all  Leakage and data misuse
             users 'data.                                     U.S. And the U.K. Many experts in cybersecurity believe that
                                                              cyber, political and physical threats arise with the
         3. Reduced Customer Loyalty                          capabilities and reach of AI. The recent Facebook scandal
         Y   There is also a fear that a lack of customer contact and  highlights the risks that corrupt data practices can bring to
             a lack of the essence of "human touch" will diminish  a company. We also need to ensure complete transparency
             customer loyalty. Because banks, especially in India, help  when entering new AI projects so that banks do not face
             so many people in fulfilling their long-term dreams, they  reputation risks.
             have emotional value - be it a beautiful home or a good
             education for students. All of this could be lost due to  Banks should start building AI SYSTEMS  with small complex
             AI and automation. Socio-economically disadvantaged  data and add the latter, thus creating a universal record of
             groups are the biggest losers and are most affected by  each client. Adequate investment should be made in storing
             such a low level of education and the digital divide.  data securely and preventing leakage. This helps the bank
                                                              to identify potential risks during the project implementation
         Future Action                                        phase and to effectively identify and then implement the
                                                              company's goals and priorities. Artificial intelligence will soon
         Tech columnist Nick Bilton writes in the New York Times,
         "[Insurgents of artificial intelligence] grow quickly and  become the sole determinant of banks' competitive position
         become scary and catastrophic. Imagine that the medical  and is the key to maximizing their competitive advantage.
         robot, which was originally programmed to eliminate
         cancer, was able to conclude that the best way to eradicate Summary
         cancer is to eradicate infected humans. "The message here  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a science and a set of
         is that banks need to raise awareness of the impacts of  computational technologies that are inspired by-but typically
         banks. Develop digitization and broad foresight in the  operate quite differently from-the ways people use their
         possibilities of AI - so that we as humans have control over  nervous systems and bodies to sense, learn, reason, and
         AI and not the reverse. One area that banks should focus  take action. While the rate of progress in AI has been patchy

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