Page 47 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 47


             the customer's creditworthiness. It helps in giving pre-  game-changer by detecting insider trading that leads
             approved loans to a large range of customers without  to market abuse.
             the need for paperwork and allows the self-employed
             and students (because they lack the financial fold) to 8. Insurance Underwriting and Claims:
             get credit. In the case of SME and corporate lending,  Y  In this era of bankruptcy, consumers are more likely to
             AI simplifies the complex borrowing process, analyzing  arrive at banks than visit insurance companies. The
             market trends and identifying potential risks in lending,  insurance industry can take advantage of AI in detecting
             future behavior and even the slightest likelihood of  underwriting, claim-handling policies and fraud. This
             fraud.                                              helps identify risky behaviour and charges higher
                                                                 premiums to groups of customers. There is an enormous
         7. Risk management and fraud detection                  amount of data in insurance companies that can help

         Y   The Punjab National Bank scandal has put the banking  you create mathematical models and accurately predict
             sector at enormous risk, shaking up regulators, financial  risky behaviours. Banks can also provide such data for
             and stock markets and the banking industry. AI and  use in customer risk identification. This reduces turn-
             appropriate due diligence can monitor such potential  around-time (TAT) for both loans and insurance. For
             threats and help banks to install fool-proof surveillance  example, in order to analyse the damage to the vehicle,
             and fraud detection systems. Surveillance in banks was  deep learning techniques can analyse the image of the
             done through audits and sampling. Some data sets and  vehicle and calculate the cost of repair using the models
             files that cause major losses are not covered in these  attending.
             models. The algorithmic rules-based approach helps
             monitor each file, and machine learning techniques can  Threats by AI
             keep a database of such files vulnerable to the bank.
                                                              Alibaba founder Jack Ma warned viewers at the World
         Y   Banks can use AI to detect fraud in transactions or to  Economic Forum 2018 in Davos that AI and big data are a
             detect any suspicious activity in a customer's account  threat to humans and will stop people from empowering
             based on behavioral analysis while providing safe and  them. The massive expansion of AI in banks comes with its
             fast transactions. With increasing cybercrime in recent  share of risks and opportunities. Banks increase their
             years, AI can be used to manage cyber-security and,  investments in AI every year, often with obsolete risk. We
             most importantly, protect personal data. Citibank has  need to understand the risks that the AI can also face.
             already invested over $ 11 million in new money
             laundering, using machine learning and big data.  1. Loss of jobs
         Y   AI-based systems help in compliance by ensuring the  Y  Automation of Tasks Banks faces the risk of backlash
             functionality of internal control systems. AI is also a  from their employees, leading to job loss and job
                                                                 restructuring. AI, in a way that maximizes
                                                                 organizational productivity,  redefines the way
                                                                 employees do their jobs. This can lead to dissatisfaction
                                                                 among employees, resulting in resignations or layoffs.
                                                                 AI can also replace a teller, customer service executive,
                                                                 loan processing officer, compliance officer, and finance

                                                              2. Process Opacity:
                                                              Y  Although deep learning models and neural networks in
                                                                 AI have proven to be more complete than human
                                                                 decision-making over time, they are often not
                                                                 transparent in terms of how such conclusions are made.

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