P. 3

Vol. XVIII No. 11 February



Ram Gopal Agarwala

B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A.

Editor                                                         Indian Democracy is the biggest democracy of the
                                                               world having over 125 crore population in a small
Dr Rakesh Agarwal                                              land coverage but having huge natural resources.
                                                               Indian culture is most alive culture of the world
M.Com. (BIM), L.L.B.,                                          which has civilized history for over 5000 years since
                                                               Mahavarat era of Lord Krishna.
F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C., M.B.A., F.C.A. Ph.D

Associate Editor

Shyam Agarwal

M.Com.(BIM), A.C.A., F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C.


N. D. Rajpal

Dr. B. K. Jha

Resident Editor                                                Indian education system is most rich and has the
                                                               history of spreading the same through its ancient
V. K. Agarwal, Agra                                            University namely 'Takshsila' in Magadh (Bihar),
                                                               Varanashi and so on.
Dr. Abhijit K. Chattoraj, Navi Mumbai / Pune

B. K. Tuli, New Delhi

Dr. C. K. Singh, Mumbai

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                                                               Lord Mahabir, Adi Sankaracharya and host of other
Fax : 91-33-2273 6612                                          think tank like Chanakya were the part of Indian
                                                               education and cultural history who were torch bearer
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Published by Smt. Sashi Prabha Agarwala, 31/1, Sadananda
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