P. 7

accurate eye for small details. This is     to study and read the gestures of other   Turn down the sound and try to under-
why few husbands can lie to their           people, as well as acquiring a conscious  stand what is happening by first watch-
wives and get away with it and why,         awareness of your own gestures. A         ing the picture. By turning the sound
conversely, most women can pull the         good reading ground is anywhere that      up every five minutes, you will be able
wool over a man's eyes without his          people meet and interact. An airport      to check how accurate your non-ver-
realising it.                               is a particularly good place for observ-  bal readings are and before long it will
                                            ing the entire spectrum of human ges-     be possible to watch an entire program
This female intuition is particularly evi-  tures, as people openly express eager-    without any sound and understand
dent in women who have brought up           ness, anger, sorrow, happiness, impa-     what is happening, just as deaf people
young children. For the first few years,    tience and many other emotions            do. It is possible to learn body lan-
the mother relies solely on the non-        through gestures.                         guage by rehearsing in front of mirror
verbal channel to communicate with                                                    also.
the child and this is believed to be the    Social functions, business meetings and
reason why women often become               parties are also excellent. Having stud-  Body Language is a significant aspect
more perceptive negotiators than            ied the art of body language, you can     of modern communications and rela-
men.                                        go to a party, sit alone in a corner all  tionships. Body Language is therefore
                                            evening like a wallflower and have an     very relevant to management and
How to learn body lan-                      exciting time just watching other         leadership, and to all aspects of work
guage?                                      people's body language rituals! Televi-   and business where communications
                                            sion also offers an excellent way of      can be seen and physically observed
Set aside at least fifteen minutes a day    learning nonverbal communication.         among people.

                        NATIONAL LOK ADALAT (NLA)

                        A PLATFORM FOR SPEEDY JUSTICE

The concept of 'National Lok Adalat' was floated by the       6. Creation of Legal Awareness in the Society.
Hon' Ex-Chief Justice, Sri P. N. Bhagwati of the Apex Court
of India in 1986.                                             Since then and under the direction of Supreme Court,
                                                              regular NLA are being held throughout the country and
The purpose of NLA is to render speedy disposal of cases      affected people are getting their grievances redressed
Lying pending in the courts at various areas such as          off.
Insurance Claims, Disaster Compensation, Land
Acquisition, Traffic Challan, Labour, Forest, Excise, cases   In a sequel to this, again on 12th December 2015 NLA
ending in Gram Kuchhary, Security Arrangement, Fire           was organized by the National Legal Services Authority
Brigade, Service report of notices, Disposal of cases U/S     headed by Chief Justice of India, State Legal Service
107,144, 145, Cr.PC, Public Premises Act, Mutation, NPA       Authority headed by Chief Justice of all the states and
of Banks and MNREGA.                                          District Legal Services Authority headed by District Judge.
                                                              In the NLA on 12th December 2015, a large number of
The features of NLA are:                                      pending cases were settled through compromise and
                                                              between Legal luminary and the Litigants.
1. Provision of a free and fair settlement of Pre-litigation

2. Stepping into the direction of Out-of-Court settlement.

3. Stoppage of APPEAL.                                        Shekhar Kumar Srivastava

4. Zero Consumption of time in giving Justice to the Senior Assistant

Victim.                                                       National Insurance Co. Ltd.

5. Alleviation of Brockery and defoiling of vested Darbhanga Branch

interests.                                                    Pin - 846004

                                                                             PR COMMUNICATION AGE February 2016 7

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