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ters or emails that acknowledges your relationship and into alignment, you are on the path to create an amazing
the care and love you feel for one another. It also in- relationship.
cludes social activities with the need for appropriate
tenderness, support and attention from your partner You must ensure a healthy relationship with the people of
when you are in public. Sharing joy and laughter with your circle of influence. To consider your core relation - you
your partner is an important social need. mainly have only two options - one relates to your home
and the other is related to the colleagues of your office/
5. Security needs: These needs, basically relate to feel- companions of your job/professional field. In home we must
ing confident, support, loyalty and commitment, as ex- maintain a cordial relation with our better half and in the
pected from your partner. It's about the relationship office we are sincerely concerned with our subordinates /
not being at risk, even when you have disagreements. peers / bosses.
You feel confident that your partner is there for you in
times of conflict with others. And you know that your 4. Maintainig relationship with your
partner is always a soft place for you to fall on. partner:
An awareness exercise is needed: As an exercise, begin Are you really together or do you constantly get irritated
to get in touch with your core needs. Take a pen and paper with each other? Every relationship has its ups and downs.
and write down your needs under each of these catego- However, there are some ways to create a strong bond with
ries. Don't fail to spot anything out. Write in a completely your partner in life (your better half or the lover) as well in
unrestricted way, knowing that no one will ever read this. the office - may be your PA (personal attendant) or the boss.
What needs are you discovering? Which ones need to be The media has a tendency to portray extremes- either ex-
included in your relationship vision? tremely content couples or miserable and intense ones. But
the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. It is im-
Fear gets in the way: Often what keeps you from meeting possible for any couple to be unhappy or head-over-heels
these needs is fear. You may fear risking being vulnerable, in love with each other all the time.
feeling inadequate, rejection, abandonment or disappoint-
ing your partner. Give your partner a space: Couples that are in solid rela-
tionships are not clingy and give each other enough space.
Write down another category as fear. List all your fears that This doesn't mean that they don't do anything together. But
get in the way of you having your core needs met. Once they don't feel the need to be stuck together all the time
you have completed this, you now have a list of areas that nor do they keep an eye on their partners.You don't need
are your growing edges for personal growth. Whether you constant approval from your partner; you can enjoy your
are single or have a partner, you will be clearer about what own space.
you need in a relationship and what gets in the way of
having your needs met. As part of your relationship vision,
you are developing clearer goals that you and your partner
can head towards. This can give your relationship a purpose
and a meaning.
Your next task is to see if your core relationship needs are
in alignment with your relationship vision. If so, great! You
are heading in the right direction to have your needs met.
If not, consider what needs to change in your relationship
vision, so that you can incorporate the needs that are es-
sential for you. Once you bring your core needs and vision
“Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.”
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