P. 13

all are human, things can change at the last minute and
appointments can be missed. However, it really bothers
your boss when he/she reaches office before you, even if
you were the first person to leave office the day before. It
conveys a 'care-a-damn' attitude towards office etiquette
and also that you are nothing but a lazy soul who can't pull
himself out of bed.

Zero initiative: All of us are born with a basic level of IQ.   'let it go' at times but he cannot. Try and understand his/
Use it more often and you can put a lot of things straight      her point of view and show that you are interested in the
and need not bother the boss who is already pre-occupied        company affairs.
with a dozen things under the day's engagements. For ex-
ample, if the Internet is not working, don't give lame ex-
cuse. Call the IT Department and get it fixed.

Too much initiative: One thing that's worse than lack of        Petty lying: Want a casual leave? Have a person al mater
initiative is taking too much initiative. Your boss has asked   to attend to? Feel like working from home today? Well, and
you to follow up with a client. However, you not only call      then tell your boss! But never make petty excuses for your
them up 10 times a day but also visit them in their office      laziness and to cover up your incompetence. If you can't
with a zerox copy of the proposal and a bouquet of flow-        help making such excuses, please do not expect them to
ers! Not happening. In short, do as told and leave the rest     believe you. This shows that you think they have no brains
to your boss.                                                   and that they can easily be taken for a ride. Few things are
                                                                as insulting as this is.
Bitching & whining: The canteen guy served ice cold chai
(tea) and the lift attendant forgot to stop the lift where      Childishness: You just saw a video and can't wait to tell your
you wanted to get off. . Big deal! You aren't the Prime         boss. But wait, does your boss really care? Remember, you
Minister of India nor a Taliban leader who will get their fin-  may look up to him/her for experience and ideas but your
gers chopped for such 'criminal' behaviour. Don't make an       boss is not your Dad or Mom. So please spare him/her the
issue out of it. Also, don't bitch about colleagues. It serves  unnecessary details.
no purpose, spreads negative vibes in office and hampers
work output. Your boss is not free to pay attention to your     What you need: Your bosses spend some of their time pro-
crybaby crap.                                                   tecting you from the wrath of the big superiors and cover
                                                                up for the team when something goes wrong. And all you
Disloyalty: You say your boss has an obligation to keep the     do is scheme all day as to how to get hold of their job.
staff happy. Then why isn't he reciprocated with an equal
support and loyalty? You point out his/her mistakes in pub-     Be self-relient: No your boss never wants to be on your face-
lic and leave no opportunity to let other departments know      book account and even he/she don't care where you hang
what a big loser he is. And when you want to see him/her        out during weekends. Simply - because your boss wants to
in a trouble, you don't even mind leaking confidential infor-   keep one's personal and professional life miles apart. You
mation to your friends in the rival group/company. It's this    may think that getting personal with your boss will earn you
lack of loyalty that your boss hates you for.                   brownie points when it's time for the annual increment but
                                                                that need not be the case. Let your work speak.
Lack of interest: It's your boss' duty to give top notch re-
sults. But what can he/she do when his/her team doesn't         6. Conclusion:
care about the company? Even your boss feels the urge to
                                                                Everyone has at least one core issue when it comes to re-

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”

                                                                PR COMMUNICATION AGE February 2016 13

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