P. 12
Positive support: Couples in good relationship give each tial thing is that the couple themselves should be happy in
other emotional support and don't put each other down in it. Talking about sex is a good idea. This way you can make
front of family or friends. Instead, they discuss their prob- sure that both you and your partner are satisfied.
lems in private. If you are upset with your partner and feel
a strong need to vent your frustration, take him/her to Respect for each other: It is essential to show your partner
another room where you can talk in peace, instead of a certain amount of respect and expect the same in return.
making a scene. While respect is something that needs to be earned, if you
show no respect for your spouse then it's unfair to expect
Quiet moments: Content couples don't feel a constant need them to show respect for you. This includes giving space,
to talk to each other. You and your partner can be sitting understanding work commitments, friendships and not be-
in the room together and reading or watching TV. Some- ing rude or abusive.
times the physical presence of the other person is more than
enough. Have a good time: Plan out your outing. Having fun doesn't
mean spending a lot of money. A couple can have a good
Share resposibilities: It is important to ensure that both of time doing simple things like taking a walk in the park, drink-
you share equal responsibilities. Especially when it comes ing tea together or watching the sunset on the beach.
to domestic chores, take turns in doing the laundry or pick-
ing up children from school. It shouldn't be that one person Have good listening skill: Some people are extremely talk-
in the relationship handles all the tasks and the other ative and others are quiet and reserved. Either way, you
doesn't pitch in. should make it a point to listen your partner. Avoid inter-
rupting when your partner is revealing the inner thoughts
Sense of humour: It is said that if a couple can laugh to- and more importantly, try to remember what the other
gether, chances are that they will stay together for a long person says.
time. It's always good to retain a good sense of humour
and accept that life doesn't always work the way you want More space to grow: Couples need to accept that their
it to. No couple can always agree with each other on ev- partner and their personalities are not static. Everyone
erything, but a couple that can laugh things off can avoid changes to some extent with time. Happy couples give each
quarrels. other the space within which this can happen. Unhappy
couples are torn apart once one partner changes. Embrace
Active conjugal life with full of physical relationship: There the differences in your partner and make sure it doesn't
is no rule as to how many times a couple should have physi- alter your feelings for him/her.
cal intimacy in a particular day/week/month but the essen-
5. Relationship with your collegues /
You may have enough reasons to hate your boss but the
boss also has some of his own to feel the same. In most of
the cases all of us hate our respective bosses, don't we?
They make us work for long hours, nitpick everything we
do and expect far more perfection than Einstein's math-
ematical calculations.
Turning up late: One day, the rickshaw which brought you
to the office broke down. The next day, the alarm didn't go
off. The day after, your servant didn't turn up. Agreed, we
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