P. 5

Cover Story


I t is widely accepted that success       If you've been around for a while, you       devoted to the way people reacted to
       in the world of work in 21st cen-  will probably have discovered that           being told what to do, or to being told
       tury is mainly achieved with or    good motivational and interpersonal          off when they did not perform.
       through other people. The days     skills - 'people skills', as they are known
of the autocratic manager are long        informally - are regarded as being just      Even if you're a naturally good commu-
gone, and the average person today is     as important as paper qualifications 30      nicator - and, just as important, a good
far more confident and independent        years ago. Such skills cannot be mas-        listener - your skills will never reach
than in years gone by.                    tered without an understanding of            their full potential unless you under-
                                          body language.                               stand body language. Research consis-
If employees don't like the way they are                                               tently shows that in any message, only
being treated,they walk out. A manager    Most required Skill                          half of the meaning is conveyed
with bad body language will have them                                                  through the spoken word; the other
walking out that much quicker.            Interpersonal skills used to be regarded     half comes across in the speaker's body
                                          as a bonus. Sales people had some ru-        language.
      About the author                    dimentary training in this field, but this
                                          was mainly concerned with handling           Self-improvement
              Dr. Saroj Hiremath          objections - which by its very nature is
                        HOD               adversarial. Managers were taught to         So if, like most of us, you're an aver-
                                          understand the importance of goal and        age communicator, you are less likely
              S. P. College, Pune         time-management, but little time was         to succeed if you have no awareness

"Make the customer the hero of your story."

                                          PR COMMUNICATION AGE February 2016 5

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