P. 4
PAGE 3 Editorial 05 It is widely accepted that suc-
PAGE 5 cess in the world of work in
ARTICLES 21st century is mainly
achieved with or through other
Body Language at Workplace people. The days of the autocratic
- Dr. Saroj Hiremath manager are long gone, and the
average person today is far more
PAGE 8 Communication on Core Relationship confident and independent than in
- Anabil Bhattacharya years gone by. If employees don't
like the way they are being
PAGE 16 Rapid Increase In Population: Time treated,they walkout. A manager
for Serious Concern with bad body language will have
- Dr. Ashish Barua them walkingout that much quicker.
Feature 08 Although most of us desire a
healthy relationship it's sur-
PAGE 26 Pursuing Medical in India prising how many of us don't really
understand what makes love survive
PAGE 28 All India Pre-Medical Test - 2016 for long. Most of us are bombarded
with images of love and sex in
PAGE 29 List of Medical Colleges in India magazines, TV ad, and on the radio
but often they idealize, romanticize
PAGE 31 People on the move or trivialize love. So it's hard to fig-
ure out what are the keys to lasting
PAGE 32 Legal passion and love are.
PAGE 34 News Round Up 16 The population issue is an
example of where the world
PAGE 36 International News has lost its way and is not concen-
trating on the big economic, environ-
PAGE 38 Education News mental or social issues. We are pre-
occupied with global warming and
PAGE 40 Travel & Tourism News the supposed imminent demise of
the Great Barrier Reef even though
PAGE 41 Information & Technology the science on these is far from con-
clusive. At the same time we ignore
PAGE 42 Snippets the obvious and definite environ-
mental problems posed by popula-
tion growth: unarguably the easiest
and cheapest problem to solve yet
underpinning all our environmental
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