Page 14 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 14

Private Life Insurance


         Private insurers give              amounting to Rs. 12,948.98 crore of  life insurer and its ranking moved up
                                            which 93.57 per cent by volume and  from 12 to 10," said BoB MD & CEO
         thumbs up to PB Fintech            85.42 per cent by value were settled.  Sanjiv Chadha. "We are very invested
         Private life insurers made a beeline to
                                            In FY21, the industry received 22,205  in the business." Chadha confirmed
         participate in the anchor investor  such claims worth Rs. 1,644.56 crore,  that an IPO was one of the routes
         segment of the IPO of PB Fintech,                                     being considered.
                                            which amounted to 0.3 per cent of
         which operates online insurance
                                            total premium income of the year. Of
         marketplace Policybazaar and credit  these, 21,854 death claims amounting Shriram Group closing in
         comparison portal Paisabazaar.
                                            to Rs. 1,492.02 crore were settled.
         This reflects the optimism that private  While the death claims have not had  on merger, insurance biz to
         life insurers have in the future   an impact on the solvency of the   be hived off into separate
         prospects of the online marketplace  insurers, it has dented their entity
         model that PB Fintech had adopted,
                                            profitability.                     Shriram Group has revived plans to
         said capital market experts. Eleven
         insurance companies made a demand  Insurers have been keeping excess  restructure its various financial
         of $40 million in the anchor round that  mortality reserves and the extra  services businesses that includes
         took place, sources close to the   provisioning has resulted in muted  lending and insurance by collapsing its
         development said.                  profitability for most, especially in the  two listed units into one and reverse
                                            April-June quarter (Q1FY22), when the  merging the holding company into it,
         Life insurers pay out Rs.          second wave hit.                   while spinning out insurance into a
                                                                               separate entity, said multiple people
         11000 crore in Covid-19            Bank of Baroda plans to            aware of the developments. The group

         death claims                       list life arm in next fiscal       however     denied    any   such
         Life Insurers have so far shelled out Rs.  Bank of Baroda is considering an initial  development, calling it speculation.
         11,060.5 crore to settle Covid-related  public offer (IPO) of its insurance arm  Morgan Stanley and ICICI Securities are
         death claims, a huge chunk of which  IndiaFirst Life in the next financial year.  advising Shriram Capital, the unlisted
         came this financial year when the  BoB holds a 44% stake in IndiaFirst  holding company of the group. The
         second wave ravaged through the                                       proposed reorganisation, if approved
                                            with Union Bank and Carmel Point
         country, data compiled  by Life    Investment (Warburg Pincus) 30% and  by a majority of minority shareholders
         Insurance Council - a representative  25% respectively.               and regulators, will lead to a simplified
         body of the insurers - has revealed.                                  corporate structure and allow its
                                            "Life insurance had a bit of a rough ride  investors- billionaire Ajay Piramal and
         As of October 21, life insurers settled  during Covid, but this company has  TPG Capital -an exit from the privately
         a little over 130,000 Covid-19 related  continued to perform very well. In the  held entity.
         death claims. About 140,000 Covid-  last quarter, it was the fastest-growing
         related claims have been made so far,

          14  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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