Page 15 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 15

Treat insurance policies as E-insurance scams on rise                 a wellknown insurance company, sold
                                                                               fake vehicle, fire and health schemes
         capital assets: ICAI               Insurance loan scams are growing,  online to unsuspecting people. The
                                            thanks to the compounding effect of
         The    Institute  of   Chartered   cybercrime. More cases have come to  company lodged a complaint with the
         Accountants of India (ICAI) has    light since the D B Marg police in  police after the fraud came to light
         suggested that Life Insurance Policies  October arrested four persons for  mid-July, when victims of the scam
         be treated as a capital asset. "It is                                 filed claim applications after loss of
                                            running a fake insurance call center
         suggested that Life insurance Policies  from a rented office in a Thane mall.  property.
         be treated as a capital asset falling  Conservative estimates suggest that  While verifying them, company officials
         within the definition of "property"  such scams could run into over Rs 50  realised that the policy documents
         under section 2(14) of the (income Tax)  crore in the Mumbai region alone.  were fake.
         Act. Indexation benefit (for premiums
                                            Now, three back-to-back cases from  Apprehending fraudsters becomes
         paid) will take care of inflationary  Pune and Mumbai have made the
         impact - resulting in parity with other  police's cyber cell log in and take  difficult as many are adept at using the
         capital assets," ICAI said in its Pre-  notice. Unsuspecting investors have  internet by hiding their trail. Cyber
         Budget Memorandum, 2022.           been warned to be wary of emails and  security expert Nikhil Mahadeshwar
                                                                               said cybercriminals also use voice over
         Usually, maturity proceeds under life  text messages selling purported  internet protocol (VoIP) for their
         insurance policy are  tax-free under  insurance products.             nefarious ends. "They use internet calls
         Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.  In the Thane mall case, where the  which are proxy-based and hard to
         However, there are certain situations  accused are all former employees of  trace back. These people are trained
         where this exemption is not available.  various call centers, investigators have  and know the communication manners
         For example, this exemption is not  found financial transactions of over Rs  of call center employees and have good
         available on maturity proceeds of unit-  5 crore in one of their nine bank  convincing skills. They use a technique
         linked insurance policies (Ulips) with an  accounts detected yet. Now, a second  called war dialing. Social engineering
         annual premium above Rs 2.5 lakh.  FIR has been filed in the case by  techniques are also used," said
         ICAI argues that deduction of only  Charkop police based on a complaint  Mahadeshwar, cofounder and CTO,
         premium while computing the net    by a 54-year-old homemaker. The    Skynet Softtech.
         income  or loss after surrender or  accused had allegedly called her up  Experts say one needs to be wary of
                                            and assured her that she could avail of
         withdrawal of policy doesn't take care                                online communication. "Cyber
         of inflation resulting in higher   a Rs 5 lakh loan against her insurance  fraudsters have become more
         taxability. "A tax consolidation scheme  policy. The policy had lapsed and they  sophisticated and are unlocking new
         may also be adopted in India. This  asked her to pay arrears to reactivate  ways to steal money from your bank
                                            it. As processing and registration fees,
         would create a positive impact on  they took Rs 91,000 from her, and then  account. They will attempt to steal
         business with significant reduction of  broke all communication.      confidential information by pretending
         compliance and litigation cost," ICAI                                 to update your KYC details, suggesting
         added.                             Ritesh Bhatia, founder of V4WEB    re-KYC, offering jobs, threatening to
                                            Cybersecurity, said such cases started
         It also added that exemption should  coming to light in recent years, when  block your account or talking about
         not be linked based on premium to sum                                 emergencies that do not exist," said
                                            gullible persons would be contacted on
         assured ratio.  "Currently exemption  phone or email from purported   HDFC Bank's chief marketing officer
         under section 10(10D) is based on  insurance firms or agents and then  Ravi Santhanam in an email warning
         premium to actual capital sum assured  defrauded. "Four years ago, a 70-year-  customers.
         ratio. This results in life insurance with  old woman lost her life's savings to  Mahadeshwar said fraudsters do
         higher premiums due to age factor,  cyber fraudsters who posed as     search engine optimization for getting
         occupational / lifestyle diseases (blood  executives of an insurance company.  on the top of Google's page rank
         pressure, diabetes, etc.), being   Offering her various schemes, they  system. "If the user searches a genuine
         treated as taxable. Policyholders in  cheated her of lakhs of rupees.  insurance company's name, the SEO
         absolute need of insurance cover are  In August, the Pune cyber police began  technique helps fraudsters get listed on
         denied tax relief due to higher    investigations into a racket in which  the first page. Following such a link is
         premiums in such cases," it said.                                     an invitation to risk."
                                            fraudsters, posing as representatives of

                                                                      The Insurance Times, December 2021 15
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