Page 19 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 19

Cover Story


         ISSUE OF





         Executive Summary                                    users. The magnitude of increase in users and transactions
                                                              poses challenges in Blockchain technology adoption. To
         The article is the outcome of a study the authors undertook
                                                              streamline the process each node must be operating on a
         to find out answers to the scalability issue faced in adoption
         of Blockchain technology in the insurance industry and on  network where there is sync in processing power from all the
         the prevalent concerns of experts in deploying this technology  parties. If a network exceeds its maximum capacity than the
         on large scale.                                      average amount of transaction decreases and affects the
         In this article, we have captured the experience of industry
                                                              The recommendations which emerge are that Blockchain
         experts by speaking to them and focused on how Blockchain
                                                              cannot be scaled alone by increasing the block size or
         becomes a concern in the insurance industry when peer's
                                                              decreasing the block time by reducing the hash complexity
         network reaches close to their maximum capacity.     as is practiced by many organizations now.
         The main findings of the study are that the insurance  Peer groups are dependent on each other for capacity limits
         penetration in India which is about 3.76 percent at present  and they must plan to evolve the infrastructure of the
         and is growing in size with time is increasing the level of  deprived peer by either investing in them or by providing
                                                              leveled infrastructure.
                        About the author                      1.1    Introduction
                            & & & & &
           Anirudh Lal                  Dr. Manoj Pareek      In the Insurance industry, communication needs to flow
           Ekta Bhatia and Radhika.       Assistant Professor  between the parties mainly constituted of Insurance
           Students of PGDM                 Birla Institute of  companies, brokers, and banks. Earlier every party used to
           programme                Management Technology     have their database from where they could share information.
           BIMTECH                              (BIMTECH)     The database for each of them was centralized. The

                                                                      The Insurance Times, December 2021 19
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