Page 24 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 24

Fig 1: Severity aspect in terms of                   fro of many sensitive data that customer and insurer both
                                                              wants to protect this data at any cost. Also apart from this,
         technology design
                                                              insurers these days always have pressure to deliver services
                                                              successfully in lesser time than competitors. For this, they
                                                              need to make sure that the business process is flawless.

                                                              Smart Contracts
                                                              Nodes in the network verify every transaction, this then puts
                                                              a limit on how many smart contracts actually can be processed
                                                              in each block, and then this determines how large can be a
                                                              smart contract application that directly affects the overall
                                                              performance of the network at different levels.

                                                              Claims Processing
                                                              Claims processing in the Insurance industry is generally
         Source: Responses received from Industry experts
                                                              scheduled with Smart Contract protocols.
               Fig 2: Severity aspect in terms of
             Scalability, Energy Consumption and              When a network operates at maximum capacity, the quantum
                                                              of transactions that can be processed gets limited. Even if
                           Performance                        the gas limit for transactions per second is increased, the
                                                              existing limit lowers the figure significantly.

                                                              3.2 Issue of scalability and surge in claims
                                                              during COVID 19
                                                              Scalability issue is not an everyday issue. It generally comes
                                                              with a wave of a sudden surge in the quantum of transactions.
                                                              The outbreak of COVID-19 stemmed from an impulsive rush
                                                              in the applications for claims processing. This resulted in
                                                              putting pressure on those nodes that have lower capacity as
                                                              a result, processing time was severely disturbed as mentioned
                                                              by GIC in a report.
         Source: Responses received from Industry experts
                                                              According to a news report by Business Standard on Health
         Severely Impacting Elements (Impacting               insurance claims during covid pandemic insurers saw a surge
         Insurance Industry)                                  in claims amidst COVID-19. Although the growth rate slowed
                                                              down during the phase of July-December, the number of claims
         It was observed that both of these triggers can puncture the  that arose during the outbreak is comparatively high.
         whole functionality of Blockchain. Any coding flaw will change
         the structure of the Blockchain and the inability to scale with
         the capacity of nodes in the network will also handicap the
         whole system.
         Determining which of the two triggers is more severely
         impacting is important especially in the insurance industry
         wherein the times of calamities, the Blockchain can complete
         processes rapidly with community governance.

         Impact of  Scalability, Energy Consumption, and
         Performance on Insurance business
         In the insurance industry contractual relations involve to and

          24  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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