Page 27 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 27

Insurance Product Innovation Back-                   products was limited to Life Insurance which was taken up
                                                              as an annual tax saving instrument or Motor Insurance
         ground:                                              because it was mandated by law. All other products were
         Innovation in product development is not an alien concept  taken up only if the dire need for them arose.
         for insurance companies. From its origin somewhere in 1750
         BC when the first maritime loss limitation loan was  Post-2014, upon the further raising of FDI limits from 26%
         documented in the Code of Hammurabi to the modern day,  to 49%, the insurance landscape has seen a slew of measures
         insurance has indeed come a long way. Over the centuries  that are all designed to improve the pace of product
         and decades, the concept of insurance has evolved to  innovation. In this new phase specific innovative products
         encompass broader geographic coverage areas, newer   have been developed and become available in the insurance
         verticals and products within these as the need and  market.
         consumer preference surfaced.
                                                              Today, insurance exists in all verticals viz. Motor, Health,
         The most documented peril, the Great Fire of 1666 that  Travel, Accident, Life, General, and many more. Innovation
         devastated central London, brought forth a new product -  in Product Development is present in most verticals although
         the world's first property insurance. Fire Insurance for  the pace of innovation varies in each of them. There has
         houses became available and standardized only after  been a tectonic shift in the way insurance now operates in
         Benjamin Franklin set up his company to provide fire  the market. Distribution channels have multiplied, customer
         coverage. This was in response to the Fire of 1730 which  touch points have radically moved beyond just policy issuance
         ravaged much of the Fishbourn's Wharf in Philadelphia (USA).  and settlement to interim handholding by the insurer, and
         Franklin was hailed as the "Father of American Insurance"  legacy systems are being replaced. Consumers are slowly
         but the ease of providing insurance was a complex process.  changing their perception of Insurance and the uptake of
         Houses needed to conform to certain design standards  products is slowly but surely increasing. Insurance is now not
         before they were accepted for insurance and this process  just a safety net perceived by consumers as the fall back
         entailed many man-hours where surveyors actually visited  option for hazards and perils, but also now as a partner to
         those houses.                                        achieving financial independence and peace of mind.

         Similarly, the need to divvy up money among the heirs of a  On their part, the once slow to change insurance industry is
         deceased brought forth the first life insurance policy.  also now becoming nimble and swift to respond to external
         Edmund Halley produced the first "life table" in 1693 but it  changes. For example in India, the Real Estate Regulation
         was much later that statistics, mortality tables and actuarial  and Development Act (RERA) passed in 2016 mandated the
         science was used to establish the method for modern day  purchase of title insurance for all development projects. This
         life insurance. Accident insurance too was a product  led to insurers launching the Title Insurance Policy. The more
         introduced in 1848 to respond to a need for insurance by  recent Covid-19 contagion has also led to a spate of
         the fledgling railway system where fatalities were on a rising  launches to provide cover to this disease.
                                                              The current ecosystem shift has also led to many insurers
         All the above examples and product introductions highlight  jumping onto the Platform bandwagon. The digital world
         the backdrop against which new product innovation took  has meant that there is a proliferation of tools, cloud, data
         place in insurance in the past. Need and not efficiency  and networks which can be leveraged to quickly achieve
         spurred the introduction of a product. Demand and not  scale. Whilst earlier scaling up or ramping up a successful
         creation of an undiscovered market drove all insurance  product innovation could take many years, now insurers are
         activity.                                            accessing various data tools and technologies quickly
                                                              through Application Program Interfaces (APIs). Access to
         Insurance Product Innovation in India -              these insurance platforms built by technology providers is
                                                              allowing insurer's to accelerate product innovations at a
         The Current Scenario:                                relatively low cost.

         The Insurance landscape in India can be divided into two
         eras. The pre-2014 era had particularly low insurance  In fact, this is also changing the way insurance is now sold.
         penetration in India and products were sold through  Earlier only tie-ups, brokers, agents, the insurer website
         traditional brokers. As a field, the common man understood  were chief selling points where consumers could reach out
         very little of insurance. The primary uptake for insurance  for a purchase. Today insurers are partnering with digital

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