Page 28 - Insurance Times December 2021
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giants that have built platforms and also investing in their  may neglect certain segments of the market in their quest
         own platform which then serves as a point of sale place. For  for bettering their own bouquet of products. Slowly, the
         example, a successful start-up in North America provides  disruptive innovation can even steal away a major chunk of
         Property and Casualty insurance for homeowners and   the market share from the bigger and more established
         renters. It set up shop just a few years back using digital  company since it can deliver a newer product that serves a
         technologies and this is how it changed the P&C insurance  better purpose. This is the Innovator's Dilemma detailed in
         world into a simple, easy to understand product loved by  the book by Harvard Business School Professor Clayton
         millennials. After its launch it introduced its own API to other  Christensen (Book Title - The Innovator's Dilemma: When
         websites allowing real estate developers, e-commerce and  New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail). Insurance
         other sites to sell its insurance as a cover for their own  companies using technology to disrupt the market are
         products as well. This greatly accelerated the pace of  InsurTech companies that are slowly gaining a foothold and
         product innovation for this company.                 expanding their market share.

         Thus, the entire insurance industry today is now poised for  Architectural Innovation (using existing technology in new
         innovation and growth with the help of new age       markets) and Radical innovation (using new technology in
         technologies.                                        new markets) are other types of innovation.  A January 2019
                                                              report titled 'The Future of Insurance, Vision: The Digital
         The Innovation Matrix and Innovator's                Insurance Strategy Playbook', by Forrester Research
         Dilemma:                                             suggests that the aim of insurance companies in the digital
                                                              world should be to increase efficiency and reduce costs in
         Strategic Management has been a long told story about  order to drive business growth and defend market share.
         meeting company goals through a well thought thorough
         strategy. However, goals may be set but cannot be cast in  However, in the current technological shift where consumer
         stone in the face of a changing reality. This is where  demographics are changing, channels of distribution are
         emergent strategy comes into play. Henry Mintzberg, the
                                                              increasing, and the consumer interaction touch point
         well-known Canadian author and management strategist,
                                                              multiplicity abound, Adjacent Innovation is perhaps the best
         postulates that on the continuum of time, an emergent  way forward for insurance companies. Adjacent Innovation
         strategy that is always adjusting and evolving as per the  focuses on leveraging expertise in one area and applying
         changes in the environment works best. For companies that
         innovate, keeping abreast with such changes while they  that knowledge in another area to create a breakthrough
         introduce new products and explore new markets is    and winning outcome or product. This type of innovation is
         important to ensure that the risk-reward ratio is maximized.  often easier to implement and skewed in the favor of
                                                              success since it carries a lower risk of failure.
         The Ansoff matrix postulated by the famous mathematician
         Igor Ansoff, maps Markets (existing and new) against The Need for Faster Product innovation
         Products (existing and new). This matrix is often used to  in Insurance today:
         develop strategies around market penetration and product
         development. In the digital world that we inhabit today,  Today the Insurance landscape has changed. The Fourth
         product innovation is primarily of four types across a matrix  Industrial Age is upon us and New technologies like Robotics,
         that maps markets against technology. Most of the    Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things,
         innovation in this digital world is incremental where it occurs  3D Printing, Biotechnology and the like are fusing together
         within existing markets using the existing products. In this  to create a New World. This has changed the face of the
         case, improvements are made to these products over time.  customer from being just a Policy Number residing in the
         However this is not the most rewarding innovation since any  Insurance portfolio of insurers to a living, demanding and
         'Black Swan' or high impact but sudden events can overturn  dynamic consumer of products. This consumer enjoys the
         the benefits that may accrue making all these products  luxury of high end technologies and the power of
         redundant.                                           information just with a right swipe of his or her smartphone.
                                                              This has naturally led to a more informed and conscious
         Using new technology but still operating in existing markets,  consumer who will most easily travel into the books of
         the disruptive innovation is born. This type of innovation  another competitor to save money, get better or faster
         brings new products that may build a niche in the beginning  service, and often also to find a better product that is
         within an existing market. Often lead players in an industry  bespoke rather than mass marketed.

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