Page 32 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 32

helped change the perception of insurance among      policyholders a comprehensive oversee of their holding
         millennials. The perception that insurance was complicated  which in turn is hypothesized will lead to more product
         and involved a lot of tedious paperwork is fast being  innovation since policy management for the holder is now
         replaced by the easy access and processes of these app-  seamless and easy. Policyholders are therefore more likely
         enabled InsurTech companies.                         to take up newer products based their need.

         Insurance Product Innovation - the India Conclusion:

         example with IRDAI as a Partner                      Innovation is crucial to all organizations in order to survive
                                                              the multitude challenges of operating in a volatile and
         In India, the insurance market is likely to reach the 280  uncertain world. While roadblocks and risks are present in
         billion USD thresholds by 2020 as per the Indian Brand Equity
                                                              innovation, the pace of innovation needs to be accelerated
         Foundation (IBEF).  Insurance Innovation is thriving due to  in Insurance if it is to meet the needs of the consumer and
         IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development authority of
                                                              be future-ready. At the centre of all innovation should be
         India) partnering with the industry as a champion of
                                                              the quest to satisfy each consumer and improve consumer
         Innovation. Significant measures taken by IRDAI recently
         that have hastened innovation are:
         Y   The Regulatory Sandbox: In order to increase the pace  Today, insurance stands at the crossroads of the Fourth
             of innovation in companies, on 26th July 2019, IRDAI  Industrial Revolution and can reap the digital dividend if
             issued a regulatory sandbox approach. The motive for  insurers implement a digital strategy. Leveraging Insurance
             this approach was to create a conducive and safe  Platforms, Ecosystems and partner networks can bring a
             environment within the framework of which insurance  scale to all product innovation. Ensuring consumers by
             companies could introduce innovative products. IRDAI  having many interaction touch points that bring not only the
             also published guidelines for the innovative products that  product but also increase the ways in which consumers can
             could be brought forth within the regulatory sandbox  participate through telematics or connected apps to reduce
             approach. About 173 proposals for innovative products  their premiums is the need of the hour. InsurTech companies
             encompassing different areas of insurance were   are using technology to disrupt the traditional approaches
             received by IRDAI and some of these were approved  and this is encouraging innovation. Innovation flourishes
             for introduction and testing. Significant innovative  when a conducive and safe environment that allows for
             products are V-Pay Motor Insurance, Parametric   experimentation is available. A strong champion like the
             Insurance among many others.                     regulator, IRDAI, is also fostering an ecosystem making
                                                              innovation the byword for all insurers today.
         Y   Allowing Life Insurance companies that have completed
             10 years to launch Initial Public Offerings to raise capital
             which again brings in innovation due to availability of  Despite the macro headwinds of trade wars, falling interest
             funds.                                           rate regime, and now the COVID-19 contagion, insurers are
                                                              moving ahead to stay responsive, nimble and agile in
         Y   Insurance products are also covered under the exempt  bringing new offerings and innovative products that can
             exempt exempt (EEE) method of taxation making them  bring policyholders the peace of mind and financial
             attractive. This is likely to foster a climate of innovation  independence they desire. Arguably, the most important
             in insurance as newer products can be introduced and  part of innovation is the ability to foresee the future, create
             qualify for tax exempt status.                   and imagine what could bring the most value and then have
         Y   Helping to increase FDI (foreign direct investment) to  the grit to implement the new change. The cycle of
             100% for insurance intermediaries like brokers,  innovation usually brings all companies to the same place
             insurance companies etc. This liberalized FDI is expected  they started from,in the realization that at the core of their
             to increase best practice sharing and investments in  transformative journey is their customer - a satisfied
             digital leading to a faster pace of innovation.  policyholder. Improving customer experience is something
                                                              that will, despite all future innovation and product

         Launching of the Insurance Repository (2013) that allowed  development by insurers, always remain as the most
         policyholders to buy and keep insurance policies in a  important metric.
         dematerialized (electronic) form is another step that fosters
         innovation. This translates into all policies to be stored  References:
         together in an electronic account (aka eIA). This allows  From various sources. T

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