Page 29 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 29

A faster pace of Innovation and New Product Development  under losses faced the additional whiplash of natural
         &Introduction is therefore a strategy and the new normal  catastrophes with 2011 becoming the costliest year in terms
         any company that needs to protect its portfolio book.  of catastrophe related losses. In the year 2011 alone, the
         Innovation today is not just the result of a direct market  Nat-Cat losses were pegged at $ 386 billion. What made this
         need but also the desire to provide higher levels of service  year a study in itself was the fact that almost 70% of this
         efficiency while also tapping the customer's hidden and  loss was concentrated in the Asia region (floods in Thailand,
         indirect requirement for personalized attention. As an  earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, and tsunami in
         example car insurance recently saw a new product     Japan). In the US region, the insured losses were at a much
         innovation. Pay-as-you-go car insurance created a market  higher number than before - $ 35 billion - stemming from
         in a vacuum where people who used cars sparingly and would  Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Lee, and a damaging
         often not insure them due to their very short and infrequent  wildfire in Texas.
         car usage.
                                                              Cyber threats and sensitive insurer data breaches, trade
         The winning combination of technology innovation using  wars, geopolitical risks and more can wreck damage on the
         telematics coupled with a tailor made insurance product  insurance industry accounting books. A Swiss Re report titled
         brought forth a need that can now be serviced while also  'Global Economic and Insurance Market Outlook 2020/2021'
         resulting in higher compliance to the law of the land.  published on November 13th 2019 on uninspiring prognosis.
         Similarly, car insurance for those who are planning a new  With a likelihood of recession in US for 2020 at 35%, and
         vehicle or those who have multiple cars but drive only one  weak leading indicators like PMI, the report forecast a flat
         car at a time also are areas where companies are creating  combined ratio for the global insurance industry with
         products for markets that did not even exist.        outlook parameter marked at "Cautious". The report further
                                                              predicted that for 2020/21 the number one risk for the
         Many will argue that insurance, being a highly regulated  insurance industry was trade war risk. However no
         sector requiring large balance sheets and investment, often  clairvoyant or crystal ball gazer could have forecast that the
         works within a framework that is conservative.  Since the  real risk for the insurance industry in 2020/21 was the
         buyer of the insurance (insured) is typically risk averse and  outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
         in many countries dependant on brokers, insurance as an
         industry is slow to change. Products have been introduced  A natural corollary of such an outbreak such as the highly
         only when they have cleared the dual hurdle of regulatory  contagious Covid-19 is the onset of a declining interest rate
         approval and acceptance from the insured. This naturally  regime. A cut in interest rates usually happens in periods of
         has taken time. However, in the VUCA world (volatile,  ensuing economic downturns because the governments try
         uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) that we live in today,  to deter people from hoarding cash and try to incentivise
         traditional insurance can no more operate with arcane  purchases and loans. Therefore interest rates are cut.
         models, unwanted products and legacy data. The need of  However negative or low interest rates pose a problem to
         the hour for all modern day Insurance Companies is a faster  insurers, especially life insurers who offer endowment or
         pace of introduction of innovative and transformative  fixed interest rate policies. Due to mismatch or imperfect
         products. This pace is dictated by changing customer  pairing of asset-liabilities, such insurers suffer a long duration
         preferences, changing economic microcosm, the availability  gap. In Germany, insurers today face a duration gap
         of cutting edge technology and the digital tailwind in the  exceeding ten years. In a declining interest rate
         wings of every insurer.                              environment the value of assets goes down while the
                                                              liabilities stay same. This causes a mismatch and threatens
         Risks and Challenges of Insurance                    to cause serious solvency issues for the company. In such
                                                              scenarios, in the downturn, innovation from insurance
         Innovation:                                          companies suffers.
         Macroeconomic headwinds often stall the efforts of a
         company in its endeavours to go global with new product  Insurance policies that are typically long tailed liability
         innovation. In the recent past, many economic crises have  businesses such as Occupational disease claims (asbestos
         threatened to derail business operations of insurers.  factory workers, environmental pollution exposed staff),
         Challenges emanating from the 2008 economic downturn  medical malpractice claims, discrimination claims and the
         with the accompanying credit crunch caused the insurance  like are particularly sensitive to long term risks. These are
         industry to contract as sub-normal growth rates in the  areas where claims can come in many years after the policy
         economy dogged the world. The industry already reeling  has lapsed. In such areas innovation is often absent or

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