Page 30 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 30

negligible. In fact, these areas are the ones that especially  of digital and the roadblocks including regulatory oversee
         need product innovation.                             may stymie many of the innovations in pipeline. However,
                                                              it must be argued that with innovation comes the freedom
         All innovation that happens in a company needs sponsorship  for the end consumer to choose a better product, and for
         and a champion. The internal champions are responsible in  the organization an opportunity to reduce frauds, increase
         not only providing a supportive atmosphere but also in  channel efficiencies and reduce premiums for low risk groups
         bridging the divide in the organization. Insurance companies  or the good consumers.
         have been reticent and fallen behind in the adoption of new
         disruptive technologies in the past. The primary roadblock Adjudging Market Readiness for New
         cited has been the lack of interest in many parts of the  Product Innovation:
         insurance organization to embrace new technology. The fact
         that innovation budgets are constrained with allocation of  Innovation in Product Development is primarily done to
         scarce resources skewed towards existing products, and  defend market share and help a company meet its revenue
         legacy systems that are complex, innovation is the likely  targets over time. If there was no monetary gain from the
         sufferer in most companies.                          new product, the need to innovate would hardly be there.
                                                              It is therefore important to continually disrupt the business
                                                              model and keep innovating. Fail fast is a term oft used for a
         However, with the consumers themselves now being
                                                              new trial and error experiment. This applies to innovation
         cheerleaders and adopters of technology, insurers are left  also. If there is an idea that is feasible and achievable,
         with little choice if they are to stay profitable. Of late, the  following through with the idea is worthwhile.
         insurance landscape has seen the mushrooming of
         InsurTechs that have adeptly married the benefits of Digital  However, it is imperative to judge and calculate the market
         and the deep expertise in certain areas to create winning
                                                              size of the opportunity that the product innovation brings.
         new product propositions for the consumer.
                                                              This by itself is no easy task. Just a couple of years back, a
                                                              leading global reinsurance company was trying to
         Data privacy has also been a much cited risk due to which
                                                              underwrite a new kind of insurance - epidemic insurance.
         many insurers fall behind in the race to innovation despite  This cover was to indemnify the losses a company faced due
         the falling costs of cutting edge technology. Data being the
                                                              to an epidemic. While so far traditional insurance had a
         new oil, with proper usage and analytical modelling, has the  cover available for business interruption due to damage, a
         potential to reduce insurance costs and create efficiencies  non-damage business interruption due to an epidemic was
         in markets. However, the moot question at stake is whether  something no one had envisaged.
         the data is being harnessed intelligently. Public debate
         around how this private and individual policyholder data is  This was an innovative approach and product however there
         being leveraged has been growing. That the personalization  was no significant market for it, until of course Covid-19
         and customization of many policies translates into the  happened. Similarly, many data companies were developing
         intrusive and unfair use of data is something that many data  pandemic models or infectious disease models which could
         protection groups are lobbying against.              be used by insurers to provide cover against financial losses
                                                              stemming from a contagion. These were innovative products
         A paper titled 'Big Data and Insurance: Implications for  but not needed because no one felt such a dire emergency
         Innovation, Competition and Privacy' released by The  would ever occur. However, the situation did occur. This
         Geneva Association (a leading international insurance think  pandemic is testimony to the fact that insurance innovation
         tank) in March 2018 highlighted some of these risks. The  is required but the product does have a risk of a not so
         paper delved into the trade-offs of ushering in an era of  successful launch if the market is not judged or is not ready
         Insurance using the digital technologies versus the risks that  for the product.
         these technologies brought forth. Personalization of policies
         may bring to the fore unfair and discriminatory practices  Benefits of Innovation and the Digital
         when dealing with the profiling of consumers and treating
         them differently if their risk is greater than the average. The  Dividend:
         granular assessment of premiums based on individual scoring  New Digital technologies have brought analytics, cloud,
         as opposed to group scoring could bring a non-inclusiveness  smart wearables, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things,
         because the high risk individuals may not have the ability to  Telematics, and more to spur Innovation in Insurance. The
         pay the higher premium. Many of the cited risks due to use  Digital Dividend is a tailwind that has the propensity to lift

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