Page 26 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 26

4th Prize Winner : Technical Paper Writing Contest 2020



          INSURANCE :  THE


         Introduction:                                       a new method, product, or idea - the act of innovating is
                                                             rather complicated. If the new idea or product fails to
         "There is one thing stronger than all the armies in  enhance the competitive advantage or the effectiveness of
         the world, and that is an idea whose time has come."
                                                             the company, it only serves as a hole in the ship of the
                                                             business which can sink the enterprise.
         Victor Hugo's words resonate well with the roadmap of
         products and their launches in the Insurance landscape  The new service or product also needs to meet the
         today. The volatile and uncertain world within which  regulatory norms of the industry and ensure that it does not
         companies operate today is ridden with challenges. In order
                                                             expose the company to unnecessary risks. For its own
         to stay relevant, competitive, and defend market share,
                                                             incubation the new product needs a supportive environment,
         companies today have to ride the turbulent waves of fickle  management of inherent risk of failure, and an ecosystem
         customer loyalty, disruptions in traditional operating  that is willing to take risks and persevere. This makes the
         models, and ever-changing technology trends in the rough  journey of an idea, from conception to fulfilment, a cycle that
         seas of business.
                                                             is not only lengthy but also complex. This is precisely why
                                                             most companies continue to follow traditional methods that
         Companies therefore have to continuously redefine their  are heavily documented and protected fiercely like a stone
         business models and innovate. While the dictionary meaning
         of innovation is simple - process of finding and implementing  walled fortress.

                                                             Innovation infuses fresh air into organizations helping them
                                   Author                    realise gains beyond imagination. This changes companies
                                                             from a brick and mortar fortress into a living and breathing
                      Rachana Grover                         structure that is continually evolving. Only when
                      DELHI                                  organizations exude such a structure do they really begin to
                                                             progress and maintain their competitive edge.

          26  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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