Page 22 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 22

partnered with EY for coming with Blockchain-based
         insurance models.

         The introduction of Blockchain in reinsurance would remove
         15-25% of expenses, delivering savings of about $10 billion.
         This can be achieved only when a Blockchain ledger is adopted.
         A single policy is divided among numerous insurers, need for
         streamlining the records would become feasible.
         Micro Insurance
         It is being adopted globally with around 135 million risks on a
         global level. The potential market is estimated to boom as
         Blockchain can help include those who look for specified and  future. The opportunities for the insurance companies
         affordable types of insurance policies. This would provide a  available to insurers were also studied.
         transparent mode of transactions, bypassing corruption,  Methods
         while making it a simple and effective mode.         The study conducted is based on the combination of primary
         Parametric Insurance                                 data and secondary data using qualitative research methods.
                                                              We approached 12 industry experts for conducting in-depth
         It is also referred to as Index based insurance. It pays the
         predetermined amount as and when a specific criterion is  interviews with the mand five experts out of them responded
                                                              to be a part of the interview process. The experts chosen were
         met. Blockchain makes it possible for a smart contract to
         take the place resulting in saving heavy administration costs.  those who were conversant and had experience in the usage
         Since it requires only certain criteria to be met for a claim to  of Blockchain technology We administered a questionnaire to
                                                              these industry experts and collected their responses to enhance
         get triggered, a subjective situation does not exist, avoiding
         any kind of human intervention to process claims.    our understanding of real life applicability of Blockchain
                                                              technology. A total of 20 questions were asked, in addition to
                                                              basic information on the company's use of Blockchain
         How Internet of things (IoT) and Blockchain form
                                                              technology, opinions on the scalability challenge in Blockchain,
         a ecosystem                                          and various solutions to the problem formed part of
         Internet of things (IoT) connects a lot of devices, the amount  questionnaire for in-depth interviews. Table 1 of this article
         of knowledge generated from every one of the devices can  contains the important questions asked in the questionnaire.
         increase considerably. For example, there have been 26.66
         billion active IoT devices in 2019 and nearly 127 IoT devices  The responses of the interviews were compiled and some
         hook up with the web each second.                    responses have been summarized using descriptive statistics.
                                                              These are depicted in Figures 1 and 2 of the paper. We did not
         This information is extraordinarily vital for insurers to develop  approach end users as respondents due to little awareness about
         correct figure models and usage-based insurance models.
                                                              the subject among them. Since the number of experts were only
                                                              five we have not applied any inferential statistical methods on
         2.1 Objectives and Methodology of the                data. For secondary data we collected data and perspectives
         Study:                                               through available research papers in journals, websites, and

         Objectives                                           published reports of technology and consulting companies.
         The study tried to find out scalability issues in the adoption of
         Blockchain technology within the insurance industry. The  3.1 Results and Discussion
         study sought to get insights on how serious the scalability  The above discussion in detail gave us a broad overview of
         issue was and to find out ways to resolve and find solutions to  the potential applications of Blockchain technology in the
         the issue of scalability.                            insurance sector. The strengths of Blockchain technology are
                                                              mainly related to its technological aspects while these aspects
         Further, we tried to find out changes in the insurance industry  have certain limitations that can easily disrupt its functionality.
         with the adoption of various Blockchain applications as we
         foresee major players using the technology in the coming  Based on our exploratory research, below mentioned

          22  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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