Page 18 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 18

insurance lines in business such as Prop-  Anjuli concludes: “Increased govern-  due to changes in regulations, which
         erty, Liability and Marine, Aviation and  ment spending as well as a successful  lowered mandatory motor liability pre-
         Transit. The country’s economy is ex-  vaccine rollout are expected to provide  mium prices by up to 50%. Decline in
         pected to grow by 9.5% in 2021, up  a boost to the country’s economic re-  vehicle sales due to lockdown restric-
         from a forecast of 7.5% in 2020, which  covery in 2021. The government’s push  tions also impacted premium in 2020.
         is expected to further boost the   for infrastructure expansion projects  Motor insurance is expected to record
         country’s general insurance industry.”  along with the country’s geographic  a growth of 6% in 2021 and 2022.

         Property insurance is the largest seg-  factors are expected to create new  Personal accident and health (PA&H)
         ment in the Chilean general insurance  business opportunities for general in-  and property insurance were the sec-
                                            surers over the next few years.”
         industry, accounting for 52.2% of gross                               ond and third-largest general insur-
         written premiums in 2020. The                                         ance lines with a share of 12.2% and
         country’s vulnerability to natural haz- General insurance indus-      11.3%, respectively, in 2020.
         ards as well as the damages suffered  try in China to reach           PA&H insurance provided by general
         due to the social unrest in October 2019                              insurers recorded the highest growth
         supported growth of the Fire and Natu-  US$313.0bn in 2025            of 21.2% in 2020 and benefitted from
         ral Hazards insurance sub-segment,  The general insurance industry in China  the rising medical expenses and tax
         which grew by over 25% in 2020.    is projected to grow from CNY1.36 tril-  exemptions. This insurance line is ex-
                                            lion (US$196.8bn) in 2020 to CNY2.13
         Srivastav notes: “The shift to renew-                                 pected to maintain double-digit
         able energy projects is also fueling de-  trillion (US$313.0bn) in 2025, in terms  growth in 2021 and 2022.
         mand for Property Insurance in the  of direct written premiums (DWP),  Property insurance also recorded a
         country. Increased investments  to-  forecasts GlobalData, a leading data  strong growth of 14.0% in 2020 and was
                                            and analytics company.
         wards green energy projects such as                                   majorly driven by agriculture insurance
         the CLP740.0 billion (US$934.0 million)  As per the latest data from GlobalData,  which accounted for over 50% of the
         Huemul wind project and Andes      the general insurance industry in China  property insurance DWP that year.
         Renovables’ CLP1.4 trillion (US$1.8 bil-  is expected to grow at a compound  Government subsidies on premium
         lion) renewable energy platform in  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5%  prices and insurance to cover frequent
         2020 is expected to support the Prop-  over 2020-2025.  However, the fore-  Nat-cat losses supported the growth of
         erty Insurance industry, which is fore-  cast remains shadowed by regulatory  agriculture insurance in China. New
         casted to grow at a CAGR of 9.7% dur-  changes, the ongoing economic chal-  product development initiatives such
         ing 2020-2025.”                    lenges and the resurgence of the   as the recently proposed grain insur-
                                            COVID-19 pandemic.
         Motor insurance is the second largest                                 ance are expected to enhance the cov-
         segment, accounting for 25.6% of the  Deblina Mitra, Senior Insurance Ana-  erage of agriculture insurance over the
         general insurance industry’s gross writ-  lyst at GlobalData, comments: “De-  coming years.
         ten premiums in 2020. After witness-  spite being the second-largest general  Overall, property insurance is expected
         ing a 5.2% decline in 2020 due to  insurance industry globally, China’s  to grow by over 11% in 2021 and 2022.
         lockdown restrictions, the segment is  general insurance penetration at 1.3%  Along with the growing insurance de-
         expected to grow by 1.9% in 2021,  is way below the developed markets’  mand from agriculture industry, insur-
         driven by an increase in automobiles  average of 4%. This is mainly because  ance to cover large-scale ongoing
         sales. It is expected to grow at a CAGR  the general insurance industry’s  projects – one-belt-one-road and re-
         of 3.1% during 2020-2025.          growth is disproportionately reliant on  newable energy, will aid the growth.
                                            motor insurance, which has been nega-
         Non-life Personal Accident & Health                                   Ms. Mitra concludes: “Growth in the
                                            tively impacted by the regulatory re-
         (PA&H) insurance accounted for 4.6%                                   general insurance industry over the
                                            strictions, economic as well as pan-
         of the general insurance business in                                  coming year will be hinged on its non-
         2020. The segment declined by 17.5%  demic related challenges in the recent  motor lines of business as motor insur-
         in 2020 owing to the drop in compul-  years.”                         ers’ profitability will remain challenged
         sory personal accident premiums dur-  Motor insurance was the largest insur-  with the stressed automobile sector
         ing the pandemic. It is expected to  ance line accounting for 60.7% share of  battling supply chain issues, regulatory
         grow at a CAGR of 3.3% during 2020-  the general insurance DWP in 2020. It  restrictions on premium pricing and
         2025.                              recorded a flat growth of 0.7% in 2020  new pandemic outbreak.” T

          18  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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