Page 20 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 20

communication space between these databases was where  Blockchain has two basic functional components:
         the inefficiencies lay. Blockchain technology allowed parties  I.  Validation of transactions
         to get linked with a shared, secured, and permissioned  II. Writing to the Blockchain
         network, collaborating in ways that reduced inefficiency and
         streamlined the entire process.                      Writing operations consume much more energy as compared
                                                              to reading operations which create stress on the peer network
         Blockchain is a shared ledger technology where everyone in  and as a result, the volume of transactions that can be stored
         the network (broker, insurer, and banks) can see the status  per block reduces. The network can handle a certain amount
         and history of the transactions. It helps businesses work  of simple transactions per second (lesser in the case of
         together more efficiently.                           complex transactions). This means if a network that is
                                                              operating at close to its maximum capacity, it will be unable
         It is about transparency. All the bodies can see the status of  to process excess transactions.
         the quotes, confirmation, and payments in real-time. In times
         of calamities, the Blockchain can process transactions rapidly  Key Highlights of the technology
         with community governance.
                                                              Decentralized validation: New data is encapsulated in a block
                                                              that only gets appended to the main Blockchain once
         Some of the major use cases of Blockchainin the insurance
                                                              consensus has been received upon the action's validity. This
         industry are: fraud prevention, policy creation, claims  helps in providing trust among the peers involved in the
         processing, streamlining routine interactions, risk prevention,  transaction that is occurring even when there is no central
         on-demand insurance, P2P insurance, reinsurance, and smart  administrator. The process of validation requires high power
                                                              of computation, which is transmitted by the processors in
                                                              the systems of the peers that are part of the Blockchain.
         Emergence of Blockchain                              Consequently, it becomes difficult for hackers and lessens
         Insurance industry started giving attention to Blockchain from  chances of fraud done to alter the transactions and related
         the beginning of this decade in 2011. It is a breakthrough  processes.
         technology that is now largely being adopted in almost all
         the sectors in India, Insurance companies are now under  Redundancy: The unique part about Blockchain is that as
         pressure to make the hard decision of adopting the Blockchain  soon as any transaction occurs, it is continuously replicated
         model while letting go of the already established traditional  on all the required peers in the network that are a part of the
         models.                                              network. Due to this, at one single point of time, data is
                                                              registered on several nodes with no chance of failure and
         A study published by Tata Communications in 2018 showed  delay.
         that 44% of organizations are adopting Blockchain but at the
         same time face several universal problems that arise in  Immutable storage: Each block that has data is in sync with
         deploying such new technologies.                     the previous block in the line. Since the data is altered in all
                                                              the required nodes, it is next to impossible for any hacker to
                                                              alter the data in all the nodes that were replicated with data
                                                              regarding the transaction plus the succeeding node too.

                                                              Encryption: Digital signatures put the peer nodes that are
                                                              participating in a transaction in a position to authorize which
                                                              participant initiated the transaction or got themselves
                                                              registered in the process. With this, Blockchain can be cast
                                                              as a record keeper of static and dynamic data.

                                                              Blockchain Transaction Methodology

                                                              Transaction definition
                                                              It follows an S-T-R concept where S is Sender, T is Transaction
                                                              and R is Receiver. In this step, the sender initiates a
                                                              transaction which is then transmitted to the network.

          20  The Insurance Times, December 2021
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