Page 31 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 31

the Insurance Innovation vehicle and transport it to a more  settlement, AI is being used for image processing of
         profitable destination in a similar way as a tailwind works in  damaged vehicles in auto insurance. The damage
         aviation.                                            assessment, cost assessment, and claim settlement process
                                                              now just takes minutes enhancing the customer experience.
         A study of European Insurers' digital maturity by DXC  Similarly, annuity payment for older members by several
         technology conducted with IDC in July 2018 showed that only  insurers earlier required submission of Life Certificate in a
         36% of the surveyed insurers had implemented a digital  branch. The use of AI to process photographs sent online to
         strategy and only 22% were part of an ecosystem so that  decide if the policyholder is alive has now obviated the need
         they could provide additional services to their consumers.  for such a branch visit thereby enhancing customer
         In India, that statistic is even lower. This clearly shows that  experience.
         the adoption of digital technologies has been slow and needs
         to accelerate.                                       InsurTech is creating a number of innovative products
                                                              leveraging the new-age technologies and analytics. The
         Wearables, AI enabled wearables, Robotic Adjusters, RPA  simplification of insurance products, creation of bite sized
         (Robotic Process Automation), Drones, Block chain, IoT  sachet insurance covers for the consumers who cannot
         (Internet of Things), Advanced Analytical Algorithms and  afford large premiums, and consumer segmentation to
         more are all digital technologies that are poised to power  ensure that good customers do not subsidize the insurance
         up innovation in insurance product development. Whereas  for bad or high risk customers lends to innovation at the
         earlier insurers were available only for limited times to the  intersection of technology and the need of the hour. With
         customer, today chatbots and NLP (Natural Language   the proliferation of smartphones, protecting them is a cover
         Processing) have brought insurers to the smartphones of  that is not offered by many companies. Insurance start-ups
         customers. Queries can be answered round the clock and  have innovative covers for smartphones that not only covers
         claim logging with pictures of the damage has become easy  the damage but also in many cases offers pickup and drop
         with the aid of technology enabled insurer platforms.  service for the phone repair at a nominal premium. This
                                                              innovation is especially useful for millennials or Gen Y
         Geospatial and location tracking through telematics has  generation for whom a smartphone is an imperative must-
         enabled insurers to roll out innovative products in car  have.
         insurance. Block chain supports greater transparency and  Insurance start-ups are also partnering with other service
         allows for faster claim settlement and policy surrender for  providers to provide cover for areas that lead providers
         instance in travel insurance where automated         often do not have coverage for. From bags, delayed flights,
         disintermediated claims processing is now possible. IoT
                                                              cyber fraud, malaria, dengue, cycle theft, gym injury, pet
         enabled wearables have made tracking of customer habits  insurance to even the innovative home content only
         easy helping reduce the cost of health insurance premiums.  insurance, the new age insurers are covering all consumer
                                                              needs big and small. The premiums charged are often very
         Through the use of data from other "non-traditional" third  small. For example a leading taxicab company has partnered
         party sources as well as the legacy system data combining  with an InsurTech on intra-city transfers for covering a
         the unstructured data with the structured data, insurers are  missed flight due to traffic delays when consumers use the
         better poised for the construct of advanced analytical  app-based taxi-cab service. In many cases the start-up
         algorithms that help in a myriad of consumer lifecycle  insurer sells the insurance through its many partnership
         elements. Faster underwriting, policy pricing, to seamless  networks but eventually the insurance is underwritten by
         claims settlement, insurers are now able to tackle consumer  large players.
         requirements more  effectively. Using social scoring,
         insurance companies are now gathering consumer data  The bite-sized insurance premiums are nothing to be scoffed
         from forums like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter  at. Many InsurTech companies have impressive Gross
         combining it with online transaction history to create  Written Premium (GWP) with a large number of customers
         winning propositions for customers who are giving their  on-board within just a few years of operation. The reason
         consent to share data.                               many of the innovative covers provided by these start-ups
                                                              is succeeding is because these new age companies have
         An example of adjacent innovation in India is the use of  leveraged technology to push products. Transparency, trust,
         Artificial Intelligence (AI) and image analytics to create a  simplified insurance, easy claim processing are some of the
         better customer experience. In India, automated claims  professed hallmarks of the new age companies which have

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