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Commentary from Clinical                               This is a comprehensive report that clearly
        Commissioning Groups                                   demonstrates progress within the Trust. It identifies
                                                               where the organisation has done well, where further
                                                               improvements are required and what actions are
                                                               needed to achieve these goals, in line with the Trust
                                                               Quality Strategy. Through this Quality Account and
                                                               on-going quality assurance process, the Trust clearly
                                                               demonstrates their commitment to improving the
                                                               quality of care and services delivered. Alder Hey
                                                               Children’s NHS Foundation Trust continues to develop
                                                               innovative ways to capture the experience of patients
                                                               and their families in order to drive improvements in the
                                                               quality of care delivered. The Trust places significant
                                                               emphasis on its safety agenda, with an open and
                                                               transparent culture, and this is reflected with the work
                                                               the Trust has undertaken to further embed a safety
        Liverpool, South Sefton, Southport and Formby and      culture in the organisation.
        Knowsley CCGs welcome the opportunity to jointly
        comment on the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital NHS       Of particular note is the work the Trust has undertaken
        Foundation Trust Draft Quality Account for 2017/18. It is   to improve outcomes on the following work streams:
        acknowledged that the submission to Commissioners
                                                               • Improvements in sepsis awareness and screening,
        was draft and that some parts of the document require
                                                                with 100% of inpatient and emergency department
        updating. Commissioners look forward to receiving the
                                                                patients screened for sepsis; the development of
        Trust’s final version of the Quality Account. We have
                                                                an electronic sepsis pathway; the average time to
        worked closely with the Trust throughout 2017/18 to
                                                                antibiotic administration for Inpatients id 47 mins
        gain assurances that the services delivered were safe,
                                                                (Jul17 – Feb18) and emergency department patients is
        effective and personalised to service users. The CCGs
                                                                64 mins (Jul17 – Feb18).
        share the fundamental aims of the Trust and supports
        their strategy to deliver high quality, harm free care. The   • The Trust is the third highest reporter of incidents,
        account reflects good progress on most indicators.      maintaining its position in the top quartile with a
                                                                further increase in reported incidents in 2017/18.
        The Trust’s presentation of its Quality Account was
                                                               • Improvements in the asthma pathway, with the
        an honest, open and positive demonstration of the
                                                                co-design of a new pathway with parents; reduced
        improvements made to date and an acknowledgement
                                                                frequency of steroid treatment from 3 times per day
        of areas that need to be developed further. It was
                                                                to once per day; reduced side effects of treatment;
        identified that there was a strong focus on the use of
                                                                reduced frequency of exposure to X-rays from 30% of
        innovation in the organisation.
                                                                asthmatic children to 8% and a reduction in the cost

                                                                of medication by 90%
        This Account details the Trust’s commitment to
        improving the quality of the services it provides, with   • The innovations in the use of technology and the
        commissioners supporting the key priorities for the     introduction of the ‘Alder Play App’, to improve
        improvement of quality during 2017/18.                  wayfinding, familiarisation and distraction for patients.
        Priority 1: Further embed a safety culture throughout   Commissioners are aspiring through strategic
        the organisation                                       objectives to develop a local NHS that delivers great
                                                               outcomes, now and for future generations. This means
        Priority 2: Increase engagement of children, young
                                                               reflecting the government’s objectives for the NHS set
        people and families in improving quality and developing
                                                               out in their mandate to us, adding our own stretching
                                                               ambitions for improving health and delivering better
        Priority 3: Increase number of defined clinical care   services to go even further to tailor care to the local
        pathways across our clinical specialties.              health economy. Providing high quality care and
                                                               achieving excellent outcomes for our patients is the
        Priority 4: Provide support that will enable our staff
                                                               central focus of our work and is paramount to our
        to feel valued and respected by the organisation and
        actively contribute to the organisation’s success.
        Priority 5: Continue to improve the environment to     It is felt that the priorities for improvement identified
        make it work for both patients and staff.              for the coming year are reflective of the current issues
                                                               across the health economy. The priorities being:

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          150                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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