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Target or Indicator Threshold National Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
(per 2013/14 Risk Performance
Assessment Framework)
Staff Survey Results:
% of Staff Experiencing
Harassment, Bullying or 24% 21%
Abuse from Staff in the Last
12 Months ⁷
Staff Survey Results:
% Believing That
Trust Provides Equal
Opportunities for Career 85.2% 81%
Progression or Promotion
for the Workforce Race
Equality Standard ⁷
Rate of Patient Safety
Incidents per 1000 Bed 56 75 75 68 76
Days ⁸
Total Patient Safety
Incidents and the 1302 1290 1215 1424
Percentage that result in (0.15%) (0.08%) (0.16%) (0.14%)
Severe Harm or Death ⁸
Diagnostics: % Waiting
> 99% 98.6% 9 100% 100% 100% 99.9%
Under 6 Weeks
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, the data in the table above has been obtained from the local Patient Administration Service to
enable the Trust to provide the most recent available data. Most of this data is accessible through the NHS England website.
¹ Specialist Trusts are excluded from SHMI reporting.
² C Diff Rates based on Specialist Trusts rate for Qtr 1-3 2017/18 as per HED benchmarking analysis Qtr 4 rate represents 1
incident of C difficile in the quarter. This was the only reported case for 2017/18.
³ National Performance based on most recent published data for Feb 2018, NHSE website.
National Performance is based on most recent published Quarter 3 data for 2017/18, NHSE website.
⁵ A&E National Performance based on most recent published data for Feb 2018, NHSE website.
⁶ Data source: Trust Patient Administration System – not published nationally.
⁷ Data source: 2017 Staff Survey (national performance based
on performance within the ‘Acute Specialist’ Sector group).
⁸ Data source: Trust Incident Reporting System (Ulysses) – national data is based on most recent available data (Apr17- Sep17)
NRLS data for Acute Specialist Trusts
⁹ Diagnostics national performance based on most recently published data (February 2018)
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons.
• The indicators are subject to a regular schedule of audit comprising completeness and accuracy checks which are
reported monthly via the Data Quality Steering Group
The Trust is taking the following actions to improve the scores and so the quality of its services, by:
• Continuing to review and refresh the Infection Control Delivery Plan.
• Placing significant resource and effort into Winter Planning to predict and mitigate peak activity weeks, so as to
improve patient flow throughout the hospital and deliver improvement in the A&E targets
For all other indicators the trust is maintaining and improving current performance where possible.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 146 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18